Bullish Signal? Bitcoin Price ‘Misery Index’ Flashes 3-Year High
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Bullish Signal? Bitcoin Price ‘Misery Index’ Flashes 3-Year High

THELOGICALINDIAN - Bitcoin amount buck bazaar acceptable concluded at 3000 wellknown analyst Tom Lee has declared as his Bitcoin Misery Index BMI affect apparatus alcove threeyear highs

BMI Says Bull Market

Lee, who is able-bodied accepted amid cryptocurrency traders as a above bullish articulation on Bitcoin and makes approved boilerplate media appearances, highlighted his absolutely un-miserable Index readings on amusing media April 11.

Lee’s BMI offers a account of 0-100 for Bitcoin price, cogent traders back to buy and back to advertise based on all-embracing bazaar ‘misery.’

A account of 27 or beneath constitutes ‘buy,’ while annihilation college than 67 against instructs the clairvoyant to sell.

After Bitcoin amount [coin_price] rose $1300 in canicule to hit $5330 aftermost week, the BMI saw a affecting awakening. Having ahead languished at 34 at the end of March, its latest account is 89 – the accomplished back June 2024.

bitcoin price

$3K Was Bitcoin Price ‘Bottom’

For Lee, this brings alloyed signals, the Fundstrat chief analyst afterward in the footsteps of adept banker Tone Vays in declaring the bullish drive abaft Bitcoin may not beggarly an absolute reversal.

Unlike Vays, however, he appropriate that the capital bulletin abaft Bitcoin amount was that it was absurd to bead beneath $3000 any best – while Vays has kept up to $1000 in play.

“The capital takeway (sic) is that BMI extensive 67 is added affirmation the buck bazaar for Bitcoin acceptable concluded at $3,000,” Lee summarized.

The upturn acceptable bent Lee, forth with abounding others, by surprise. Prior to the surge, Lee had alike apprenticed to stop giving Bitcoin amount forecasts.

“Because of the inherent animation in crypto, we will cease to accommodate any timeframes for the ability of fair value,” he told Fundstrat audience in December.

Eyes On $5900

Also perking up are assorted Bitcoin arrangement indicators and alien measures, abacus weight to the approach that the better cryptocurrency’s darkest canicule are now abaft rather than advanced of it.

As Bitcoinist reported beforehand this week, the reemergence of the alleged ‘Kimchi Premium’ – a customs for Bitcoin purchases on South Korean exchanges – aflame commentators.  Like Lee’s aerial BMI readings, the Premium has alone appeared in Bitcoin balderdash markets.

The abnormality carefully followed beginning activity from China, area traders appeared to be sidestepping highly-restrictive authoritative structures to advance in cryptocurrency via stablecoin Tether, additionally at a exceptional in authorization terms.

At columnist time Friday, Bitcoin amount has recovered abundantly to about $5100 through the day afterwards falling from highs of $5440.

With the barring of cursory blips, Bitcoin has now captivated assimilate abutment at $5000 back April 5. Bitcoinist on Wednesday projected a concise amount ambition of about $5900.

What do you anticipate about the Bitcoin amount and Bitcoin Misery Index? Let us apperceive in the comments below!

Images via Tradingview.com, Shutterstock