3 Things People Get Wrong About Bitcoin, According to an Early Investor
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3 Things People Get Wrong About Bitcoin, According to an Early Investor

THELOGICALINDIAN - Famous Bitcoin aboriginal broker Jeffrey Wernick who additionally got into Uber and Airbnb as an angel broker afresh told Business Insider that bodies get a lot of things amiss about the aboriginal and foremost cryptocurrency Heres some of what he had to say

When asked by Business Insider‘s Sara Silverstein what “most bodies get amiss about bitcoin or cryptocurrency,” the acknowledged banking able had a lot to say on the matter.

Firstly, Wernick claims best bodies today accept either alone to anamnesis or absolutely abandoned the abstract purpose which underlined Bitcoin’s conception — namely, that it would be an another bill alfresco the ability of governments and acceptable banking institutions. He explained:

Indeed, one doesn’t accept to attending actual far to see that every acceptable banking academy beneath the sun is attractive to advance blockchain technology for their own purposes — none of which adjust with Bitcoin’s ethos.


And while the eyes of the bazaar focus durably on the US Securities and Exchange Commission’s pending exchange-traded armamentarium decisions, it ability be account analytical what such derivatives accept done to addition ‘people’s money,’ silver. Also, is Bitcoin meant to be a abstract advance or a bill that undermines an arbitrary and biased all-around banking system, which itself aims to abort Bitcoin?

Wernick explained:

Investing in Bitcoin, according to Wernick, should be apparent as a anatomy of beef adjoin the government and its banking behavior — and it’ll apparently be a assisting advance at that. He explained:

What do you anticipate about Jeffrey Wernick’s thoughts on Bitcoin? Let us apperceive in the comments below! 

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