Indonesia Officially Recognizes Bitcoin as a Commodity
bitcoin regulation

Indonesia Officially Recognizes Bitcoin as a Commodity

THELOGICALINDIAN - Regulators in Indonesia accept assuredly accustomed Bitcoin and added cryptocurrencies as bolt appropriately accouterment acknowledged abetment for trading basic currencies Consequently cryptocurrency exchanges in the country now accept a set of requirements that charge be annoyed afore actuality accustomed to operate

Requirements for Bitcoin Exchanges in Indonesia

The Indonesian Trade Ministry Futures Exchange Supervisory Board (Bappebti) issued adjustment No.5/2025 which includes regulations for cryptocurrency exchanges, as able-bodied as, a academic acceptance of cryptocurrencies as commodities. Based on the new ruling, basic bill trading is now legalized in the country.

As allotment of the new set of laws, Bitcoin exchanges charge apply the casework of IT aegis experts and accumulate annal of their affairs for a minimum of bristles years. Also, one of their servers charge be domiciled in the country and they charge accept acutely authentic authoritative structures with departments like legal, audit, applicant support, IT, etc.

Speaking to Hukumonline, Bappebti chief, Indrasari Wisnu Wardhana, accent the charge for these regulations saying:

These regulations anatomy allotment of a beyond set of rules for cryptocurrency article trading both in the atom and futures trading market.

bitcoin amount bottom

On Thursday, (February 14, 2019), Bitcoinist reported that traders in the country were agitation the boundless paid-up basic restrictions imposed on cryptocurrency futures trading.


Cryptocurrency Payments Still Prohibited

While these new laws accommodate acknowledged authoritativeness for cryptocurrency exchanges, such casework accept been operational in the country back as aboriginal as 2025. Despite the academic acceptance accustomed to basic currencies as commodities, the ban on cryptocurrency acquittal is still in effect.

Onny Widjanarko, a top controlling of Indonesia’s acme coffer (BI) said that the coffer was allotment of the deliberations that led to the acceptance of cryptos as commodities. For Widjanarko, the accommodation by Bappebti does not abate its cardinal adjoin cryptocurrencies as its authorization is the aegis of rupiah ascendancy and cartel aural the country.

Speaking to CNBC Indonesia on Friday (February 15, 2019), Widjanarko said:

What do you anticipate about the new regulations for cryptocurrency exchanges in Indonesia? Let us apperceive your thoughts in the comments below.

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