Philippines ‘Legitimizes’ Its Bitcoin Industry with Friendly Regulation
bitcoin regulation

Philippines ‘Legitimizes’ Its Bitcoin Industry with Friendly Regulation

THELOGICALINDIAN - The Philippines Central Bank has appear guidelines on Bitcoin adjustment which basically legitimizes the bounded Bitcoin industry

This is the arbitrary from a co-founder of the country’s better Bitcoin startup, Satoshi Citadel Industries (SCI), which additionally runs barter

The Bangko Sentral’s decision from January 19th, the argument of which was appear February 6,

Thus, the coffer wishes to ensure the authoritative ambiance “encourages banking addition while at the aforementioned time ensure that the Philippines shall not be acclimated for money laundering… or agitator financing… activities and that the banking arrangement and banking consumers are abundantly protected.”


Commenting on the battleground move in a Medium column and on Reddit, Miguel Antonio Cuneta, one of SCI’s founding members, said that three years’ assignment had now appear to accomplishment and the industry could adore official protection.

Before this, the Bitcoin startups actuality had no way to prove to banks and added banking casework appropriate to accomplish a applicable business that they are operating aloft board, acceptation banking institutions would debris to assignment with them (just like about everywhere abroad in the world) banishment startups to clutter to break alive,” he explained.

He added that he had been liaising alone with the coffer and authorities back 2025, and that the accomplished artefact would “set a actual antecedent for others to follow.”

While the guidelines are still a “work in progress,” the Bank is set to booty a hands-off access to basic currencies. The barring will be area pesos are involved, such as exchanges, area operators will charge to accede with accordant AML requirements.

“Depending on the complication of VC (virtual currency) operations and business models adopted, a VC barter shall put in abode able accident administration and aegis ascendancy mechanisms to address, administer and abate technology risks associated with VCs,” coffer abstracts read.


The Philippines has a continued attitude as a centermost of remittances. World Bank data shows that from the after 1970s to 2015, volumes grew at an amazing rate, agreement the country amid the better markets in the world. The abeyant for Bitcoin to footfall in, then, is obvious.

SCI meanwhile has been gradually accretion to become a above Filipino bazaar attendance over the accomplished brace of years. In 2015, it purchased battling startup, the barter, and now operates beneath a accepted casework setup, ambidextrous in remittances and acquittal processing and adaptable money.

What do you anticipate about the Phillippines Central Bank’s decision? Let us apperceive in the comments below!

Images address of, Shutterstock