AlphaPoint Adopts Clef’s No-Password Two-Factor Authentication
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AlphaPoint Adopts Clef’s No-Password Two-Factor Authentication

THELOGICALINDIAN - In an attack tomake logins safe and accessible AlphaPoint has appear Clefs nopasswordtwofactor affidavit for the exchanges congenital on the AlphaPointplatform This move is accepted to advice the aggregation accretion added Bitcoin exchanges as audience Currently AlphaPoint provides the abstruse backend to about 20 Bitcoin exchanges

Also read: AlphaPoint’s New Service to Streamline Bitcoin Trading

Bitcoinist ClefAlphaPoint believes that its partnership with Clef will accredit its exchanges to acquire Clef’s accepted two-factor affidavit solution. Currently, the aggregation is accouterment casework to some top companies, including Bitfinex, one of the world’s better Bitcoin exchanges.

Bitcoin exchanges are adverse huge security challenges afterwards several aerial contour hacking attempts occurred in 2014 and aboriginal 2015. As exchanges see beyond volumes of assets canyon through their systems every day, the accident of attacks grow, authoritative aegis a top priority. AlphaPonit hopes that Clef’s new two-factor affidavit band-aid will bolster barter safety.

According accessible data, fewer than 1% of barter users opt to assure their accounts. However, exchanges that use Clef accept apparent added than 50% of their users defended their accounts.

Two-Factor Authentication Solution

Joe Ventura, Chief Technical Officer at AlphaPoint, says that the affiliation with Clef will accredit AlphaPoint-powered exchanges to acquire Clef’s accepted two-factor affidavit solution. Ventura says that his aggregation takes aegis acutely actively and is consistently attractive to apparatus the latest aegis solutions for its audience and their customers. Thus, Clef’s new two-factor affidavit band-aid may serve AlphaPoint’s ambition well. Showing his beatitude about the development, Ventura said:

Clef’s new band-aid allows barter users to authority their phones up to the computer awning to log into their accounts. Using the phone’s camera and an action alleged the Clef Wave, the buzz syncs with the computer and logs users into their accounts. Clef claims the action already protects added than 65,000 sites and is backed by accessible key cryptography, which is abundant stronger than any password.

Clef Works on All iOS and Android Devices

The above acumen for the growing acceptance of Clef is that it works on any iOS or Android devices. Users can download the app for free on the App Store and Google Play. Cashing in on the popularity, Clef has secured partnerships with Koinify, Ziftr, and others in the aftermost month. Elaborating the accord with AlphaPoint, Brennen Byrne, the CEO of Clef, said that the aggregation is the technology baton for Bitcoin exchanges and is bringing cryptocurrency to added places about the world.

What do you anticipate about AlphaPoint’s accommodation to accept Clef’s new two-factor affidavit solution? Let us apperceive in the comments below!

Images: AlphaPoint, Clef

Disclaimer: The biographer of this adventure is not associated with Clef or AlphaPoint, nor has any vested interests with the two companies.