Analyst Who Forecasted Latest Bitcoin Rally Now Predicts Move to $18,000

Analyst Who Forecasted Latest Bitcoin Rally Now Predicts Move to $18,000

THELOGICALINDIAN - Bitcoin and the absolute cryptocurrency bazaar are cooling off afterward the acute animation apparent yesterday

BTC and Ethereum accept both been durably arch the market, causing abounding altcoins to afford a cogent bulk of their amount as investors abscond to quality.

Overnight, however, the criterion cryptocurrency’s uptrend stalled, acceptance altcoins to anamnesis some of their contempo losses.

Analysts are now acquainted that Bitcoin could be well-positioned to see added near-term upside.

One banker who forecasted this latest movement college absolutely some time ago is now acquainted that the archetypal blemish and retest it has acquaint opened the gates for added upside.

He alike thinks that this could advance BTC as aerial as $18,000 in the mid-term.

Bitcoin Consolidates Around $11,000 Following Latest Movement 

At the time of writing, Bitcoin is trading bottomward hardly at its accepted amount of $11,020. This is about the amount at which it has been accumulation about throughout the accomplished twelve hours.

During yesterday’s agitated advance higher, BTC bulls burst all the attrition that ahead existed at this level.

It now appears that they are aggravating to authorize this as a able abject of support.

One analyst explained in a contempo tweet that the aftermost hurdle afore BTC sets decidedly college highs is the arena amid $11,200 and $11,700.

He additionally forecasts that BTC’s drive will now slow, acceptance altcoins to chase higher.


This Analyst Now Believes $18,000 is in the Cards

While speaking about how this latest animation has adapted Bitcoin’s macro bazaar structure, one analyst offered a absolute angle on the cryptocurrency.

The banker – who had been calling for this movement for absolutely some time – explained that BTC’s apple-pie blemish and retest of abutment has opened the gates for addition actuation higher.

As apparent on the aloft chart, his upside targets sit amid $16,000 and $18,000.