betVip: Exclusive Interview

betVip: Exclusive Interview

THELOGICALINDIAN - You may accept heard of BetVIP on abounding added account sites I was advantageous abundant to allocution to some bodies over at BetVIP a armpit that claims to be the best Bitcoin Sportbook

1. What is betVIP?

BetVIP is the world’s aboriginal accountant Bitcoin sportsbook. If you adorned a bet on any action from about the apple application your Bitcoin then is the abode to do it!

2. What makes you altered from added Bitcoin action services?

At we accept a far added array of sports, events, markets and in-play action than any added Bitcoin sportsbook. We action all the assortment and annual of a approved online sports action website with the accessibility of transacting bound and calmly application Bitcoin wallet integration. We are additionally the alone Bitcoin sportsbook that holds an official sports action authorization and we barter with complete accuracy so annual holders can blow assured that their Bitcoin are consistently safe back action with BetVIP.

3. How do you affiance “the best odds- best value”?

Admittedly, this is a bit of a across-the-board account and with bags of markets traded every day we can’t affiance to action the best allowance on anniversary and every distinct bazaar we offer. We do, however, run at the everyman allowance that is commercially applicable for us because we apperceive that punters adulation to bet at the best prices. So we’re aggressive in aggregate we action and if a bettor wants a accurate bet, at a accurate price, we are accommodating to accommodate (within reason). At the end of the day it’s about alms the best accessible account to our clients.

4. How is betVIP doing business wise?

We had an amazing alpha back we launched aloof afore the FIFA World Cup! There has been a bit of a dip back afresh but we are still way advanced of our antecedent projections and with the European Football division accepting beneath way we are already starting to see a lot of audience depositing and accepting accessible to bet again. We’re a startup that is growing, evolving and convalescent every day and we are in this business for the long-haul!

5. I see you accept an official license, was it adamantine accepting already since you accord with cryptocurrency?

It’s not accessible to access a gaming authorization in ANY currency. So yeah, it was decidedly adamantine (and expensive) to get the authorization beneath our belts as a Bitcoin alone sportsbook. But we feel that this was absolutely all-important for the abiding affairs of the business and we’re actual blessed to accept the license.

6. Do you allegation a fee; what are your rates?

No – abutting BetVIP is free. In fact, we will accord you money by analogous your aboriginal drop with our 100% Aboriginal Drop Bonus, so you bifold your money appropriate away! From that point on it’s you adjoin us, we’ll win some and lose some but in the abiding we achievement that we’ll barter able-bodied abundant at our low allowance to survive and thrive.

7. Anything we can apprehend from the future?

Lots! We’ve aloof brought a bank accomplice on lath and should accept a abounding bank alms chip by the end of September. I’m additionally alive on a super-exciting redesign to accomplish our website bigger than the best sportsbooks around. We’ve learnt a lot about what our barter appetite in the aboriginal few months and we are consistently evolving and convalescent to action the best Bitcoin sportsbook in the world. There accept been abounding hawkeye nights, but we won’t stop convalescent – period. That’s what so agitative about alive in the tech and cryptocurrency industry, we accept alone aloof amorphous to see what can appear in the not-too-distant future!

Photo Source 1: betVIP

For added information:
BetVIP is the world’s aboriginal licensed Bitcoin sportsbook