Bitcoin 2024: A Year in Review

Bitcoin 2024: A Year in Review

THELOGICALINDIAN - The ambition of this commodity is to analysis the advance of Bitcoin as a accomplished over 2024 compared with 2024 This commodity will be burst bottomward into months accoutrement JanuaryDecember Bitcoins amount over the months will be explained artlessly rather than indepth for the account of brevity I achievement you adore a analysis of 2024

Also read: SF Block Chain Conference by Lighthouse Partners to Feature More than Just Bitcoin 

Disclaimer: The columnist is invested in Bitcoin

Before jumping into 2024, we will authorize some key facts that will be revisited at the cessation of the article. These statistics will be actual important for artful Bitcoin’s advance over 2024 and will acquiesce us to accomplish predictions about how Bitcoin ability advance over 2024.

2024 Bitcoin statistics (December 2024)


My Bitcoin Predictions for 2024 Made at the end of 2024

Actual 2024 statistics (December 2024)

Estimated wallets: 17.4 Million wallets (hosted desktop mobile)

Estimated circadian transactions: 124,601

Estimated circadian volume: $72,475,849

Bitcoin difficulty: 93,448,670,796

Bitcoin Hash rate: 789,710,965.71 Gh/S

Source: Quandl, Bitcoin Wisdom,

Brief Summary of Shifts

bitcoinBitcoin as a accomplished has become added all-around with accouterment that arresting advance internationally rather than aloof in a few ample countries. Bitcoin is acceptable added attainable to accepted bodies who do not accede themselves to be awful tech savvy. As a whole, Bitcoin has developed decidedly this year. While the cardinal of wallets didn’t abound as abundant as I had predicted in my 2014 year in analysis article, I was about atom on with the cardinal of circadian transactions. Transaction aggregate has added acutely this year over aftermost and Bitcoin is abounding added than anytime afore as added and added bodies get involved. Hashrate didn’t access as abundant as I had expected, but admiration accouterment in mining technology and miner trends is actual difficult. When Bitcoin block rewards bisect afresh in July 2016, things will get alike added unpredictable.

Without added ado, I will go through the months of 2024 and altercate above account and appearance amount changes after apperception on what acquired the changes in Bitcoin’s price.



Peaking at $318, Bitcoin’s amount acclimatized at $217 by the end of the month

Major events:


Storj, a decentralized billow storage was proposed by Shawn Wilkinson, Tome Boshevski and Josh Brandof. Since the announcement, the Storj activity has avant-garde decidedly and is currently alive on testing the belvedere through altered analysis groups. Storj, based on blockchain technology, allows for the administration of abstracts accumulator beyond a arrangement and allows users to hire their balance adamantine drive space. Farmers will be able to ascendancy what blazon of agreeable they abundance on their drives with the project.

Partnering with Coinbase, Braintree, a accessory of Paypal, launched beta testing for Bitcoin affiliation on their platform. This development marks the advance of boilerplate Bitcoin acceptance and was one of the above pieces of account in January. Since their testing, Braintree has chip Bitcoin for merchants.



Bitcoin’s amount ailing and acclimatized at $262 in February.

Major events:

Ross Ulbricht was begin accusable of all 7 of his charges, including computer hacking, biologic trafficking, and active a bent enterprise. Following the trial, added atramentous bazaar exchange in the abysmal web anon replaced the aboriginal Silk Road. Since the aboriginal Silk Road, online atramentous markets accept taken precautions to access aegis and anonymity, continuing the on-going war on drugs and online crime.   

 Chinese Bitcoin barter BTER had a algid wallet afraid and absent 7,170 bitcoins, account about $2 actor at the time of the theft. After the theft, BTER froze the absolute armpit to amount out the issue. BTER has back recovered from the annexation and continues to abide in business.



Peaking at $296, Bitcoin’s amount acclimatized at $246 by the end of the month.

Major events:

bitcoinBitlicense accustomed many revisions, showing that the NYDFS was accommodating to accept to bodies in the agenda bill community. The revisions fabricated to the angle added the requirements to run an barter and accommodate claimed advice of any advisers with admission to chump funds. Just as the antecedent version, the angle included exemptions for companies developing Bitcoin agreement for non-financial agency and software developers alive on projects.

A address by Goldman Sachs appear how important China is in Bitcoin’s development. The abstraction begin that 8 out of every 10 trades complex the Chinese yuan in both affairs and buying. According to the company, the billow was believed to be acquired by crumbling aplomb in the Chinese abridgement and abrasion Yuan value. Goldman Sachs additionally believed that adolescent investors were attractive to advance in article added than the banal market. Transaction aggregate added decidedly during march, hinting at a beyond advance for Bitcoin alfresco of the United States



Peaking at $260, Bitcoin’s amount acclimatized at $232 by the end of the month.

Major events:

 Following a bent complaint in federal court, two above US federal agents that advised Silk Road were charged with burglary Bitcoin and acquisitive money from Ross Ulbricht forth with added bent charges. Above agents Shaun Bridges and Carl Force were answerable with wire artifice and money laundering, annexation of government acreage and battle of interest. The advice that Agent Force was secretly advised during the balloon but the aegis was barred from application the advice during the trial.  



peaking at $246, Bitcoin’s amount acclimatized at $226 by the end of the month.

Major events:

U.S District Judge Katherine Forrest declared Ross Ulbricht’s accomplishments to be a anxiously planned life’s assignment rather than a aberration of youth. Consequently, Ulbricht was labeled as a “drug kingpin” and being “who attempted to align no beneath than bristles murders.” In accession to the activity book Ulbricht received, he had to pay a sum of $184 million, the bulk of the declared assets of sales on the Silk Road. Judge Forrest acclimated Ulbricht to set an archetype on the war on drugs and online crime.



Bitcoin’s amount ailing and acclimatized at at $258 by the end of the month.

Major events:  

Bitcoin was banned in Ecuador afterward a government e-money action to authorize a new currency. Resolution 064-2015-M assured Bitcoin actionable in the country and paved the way for banks to accommodate the new e-money established. Citing abridgement of administration and volatility, the resolution anesthetized and is currently in advance for abounding affiliation aural the country.

The final abstract of Bitlicense was released to the accessible accepting actual alloyed reactions from experts in the agenda bill sector. Some embrace the adjustment and see at as accessible to the advance of Bitcoin as a accomplished area others see it as actual akin for companies gluttonous to accomplish or accommodate casework to citizens of New York.



Peaking at $311, Bitcoin’s amount acclimatized at $280 by the end of the month.

Major events:

Ben Lawsky, one of the arch contributors appear Bitlicense received criticism from the Bitcoin association for resigning from the NYDFS and basic his own cryptocurrency consulting close in the clandestine sector. Accused of battle of absorption and accepting absolute political connections, Lawsky’s close advancing to ablaze anon afterwards Bitlicense agitated abounding in the Bitcoin community. Lawsky aboveboard accustomed the accusations but absolved them, advertence that he no best has ability in the NYDFS.



Peaking at $283, Bitcoin’s amount acclimatized at $229 by the end of the month.

Major events:

bitcoinAfter actuality arrested in Japan for allegations of arrangement abetment on Mt.GOX, Mark Karpeles accepted to analytical with user balances for claimed gain. Having incomparable ability aural the company, Karpeles gave into allurement and tampered with user balances for claimed assets in the millions of dollars. This was addition allotment of ball in the advancing Mt.GOX accident which resulted in a above hit for Bitcoin’s bloom on a whole.



Peaking at $245, Bitcoin’s amount acclimatized at $237 by the end of the month.

Major events:

bitcoinFollowing his arrest in August, Mark Karpeles was answerable with Embezzlement in Japan. Depending on the after-effects of his trial, Karpeles could face up to ten years in bastille for burglary over $2 actor USD account of chump money to armamentarium his own claimed projects. Creditors of Mt.GOX are still cat-and-mouse to balance their funds.



Peaking at $331, Bitcoin’s amount acclimatized to $325 by the end of the month.

Major events:

bitcoinAdvancements were fabricated in quantum computing as a aggregation from the University of New South Wales developed a accessory that allows two Qubits to acquaint with one another. Many are anxious about the appulse breakthrough accretion will accept on Bitcoin, but analysis shows that the appulse of breakthrough accretion could be addressed and that breakthrough accretion would not be accessible in aggregate at first, giving Bitcoin to acclimate to the new age of accretion and apparatus measures to access the aegis of the network.



Peaking at $484, Bitcoin’s amount acclimatized at $362 by the end of the month.

Major events:

bitcoinThe final Silk Road bargain took abode with about 44,000 bitcoins actuality awash to assorted buyers of abstracted blocks. This was the third and final SIlk Road bargain to booty abode in which bedeviled bitcoins were awash to the accomplished bidders.

 November was by far the best agitative ages in agreement of Bitcoin’s price. Bazaar accouterment acquired huge advance for Bitcoin’s amount over this month. Many bodies believed the Chinese Bitcoin bazaar to be amenable for the accouterment and advancement pressure.

Bitcoin Black Friday was already afresh a above success as Bitcoin users accolade to acquisition abundant deals with their BTC. Transactions and transaction aggregate acicular on Black friday and remained actual aerial through the end of the year, signaling all-around growth. 

Finally, the first Blockchain backed basis came online, signalling a above addition and an important development in bringing blockchain technology to the banking market.



Peaking at $466, Bitcoin’s amount acclimatized at $430 by the end of the month.

Major events:

The blocksize debates connected to calefaction up in December as proponents from both abandon attempted to beforehand their cases for blocksize. The majority of miners do appetite to access blocksize in adjustment to accomplish college transaction fees which will eventually be appropriate to sustain the network. Others altercate that the fees associated with affairs with an added block admeasurement will asphyxiate all-around acceptance and accomplish Bitcoin beneath adorable to new users. Decisions on the block admeasurement agitation will charge to be fabricated in 2024 which will either aftereffect in the assiduity of the agreement or a adamantine angle to apparatus beyond block size.


bitcoin2015 is accounted by abounding to be the year of the blockchain. With so abounding new startups application blockchain technology and the all-around advance of Bitcoin as a accomplished aftermost year, 2016 is acceptable to abide the advance and acquiesce for added Bitcoin acceptance and the affiliation of the blockchain into banking institutions about the globe. As a whole, Bitcoin’s bazaar seemed actual unimpressive up until November, area massive assets and recoveries were made. While the bazaar is still actual young, 2015 was actual important in advancing the bill and the basal technology abaft it.

Bitcoin abstracts acerb suggests that Bitcoin is growing on a all-around calibration now rather than aloof in a few capital countries. As bodies abide to body on the blockchain and advance new articles and services, Bitcoin acceptance should abide to access as consumers are accustomed added affairs ability and discounts for application Bitcoin. As account increases for both merchants and consumers, acquittal processing companies will aggrandize to action Bitcoin-based casework globally.

Many Bitcoin 2.0 projects were accomplished in 2015 and as a result, the account of Bitcoin was abundantly added for the boilerplate Bitcoin user. Bitcoin is acceptable added than aloof a agenda currency, it’s acceptable a globally accustomed technology with the adequacy of allotment bodies to booty ascendancy of their affairs and accretion the allowances of accumulation and added technology-based improvements which are convalescent their affection of life.

Unlike aftermost year, I will not adumbrate the statistics for 2024 as there are too abounding factors at play. With the block admeasurement debates, admiration statistics for the end of 2024 would be actual adamantine if not absurd after alive whether or not block admeasurement will be added in a adamantine fork. With the block accolade halving in July, things are alike added unpredictable. So instead of quantitative predictions for 2024 I’ll abutting with my anticipation for 2024.

I accept 2024 will be actual important for Bitcoin both in crumbling its bazaar and in accretion blockchain technology throughout all-around business. The blockchain is actuality explored by added and added banking institutes and has the ability to accommodate money in general. I accept we will see big changes for Bitcoin in 2024 and huge advances in the blockchain. Should the block admeasurement be increased, sidechains could become added applicable and advance to the development of alike added applications of Bitcoin. 

What do you anticipate will appear with Bitcoin in 2024? Let us apperceive in the comments below!  

Images via Pixabay, Storj, and Shutterstock