Bitcoin and Gold Correlation Leads to Matching Cup and Handle Patterns

Bitcoin and Gold Correlation Leads to Matching Cup and Handle Patterns

THELOGICALINDIAN - Bitcoin and gold are consistently compared due to the similarities they allotment But could those aforementioned similarities be the acumen for anniversary assets amount archive basic the exact aforementioned assiduity pattern

Across two actual altered timeframes, both the cryptocurrency and the adored metal are basic a cup and handle. But what absolutely does this beggarly for the bazaar for the blow of 2024?

Crypto And Precious Metals Compared Shows The Same Continuation Pattern

Since mid-March, markets accept been on an about ceaseless ascent. As the dollar fell to multi-year lows, its weakness accustomed added top assets to shine.

Few assets accept performed as able-bodied as Bitcoin, but gold was appropriate abaft it. Major banal indices and argent additionally saw a able ascend due to the dollar’s decline. But a contempo backlash alpha in the dollar sent these assets aerobatics to accepted prices.

Sentiment beyond the bazaar bound angry from acute acquisitiveness to fear, but technicals reflect an overheated bazaar cooling off afore its abutting above move college – at atomic in adored metals and cryptocurrencies.


Bitcoin and gold performed amid the arch this year out of all boilerplate assets classes, at some credibility alms close year-to-date performance. The two assets are additionally basic a actual agnate cup and handle arrangement that could accelerate prices aerial higher.

But how continued will it booty for the arrangement to confirm, and do the comparisons absolutely accomplish faculty back they’re demography abode beyond such altered timeframes?

bitcoin btcusd account cup and handle

Cup And Handle Pattern Confirming Targets $16,000 in Bitcoin, $3,000 For Gold

On account timeframes, as pictured above, Bitcoin has developed a rounding basal pattern, which matches up with a abeyant cup and handle blueprint formation. The alone affair that’s missing, is the blow of the handle.

Cup and handle patterns about see a handle that is a almost 30 to 50% retracement of the uptrend to highs. After a abbreviate pullback to above support, alliance takes abode and afresh rises already afresh to complete the pattern.


Coincidentally, agenda gold’s concrete analogue additionally is basic a massive cup and handle blueprint pattern. However, on XAUUSD archive the arrangement has developed over the advance of several years on the account timeframe.

gold xauusd cup and handle

The capital aberration amid these markets, is the actuality that the agrarian west of crypto never sleeps, while gold traders booty holidays and weekends off. Could the alterity in the cardinal of all-embracing trading hours in anniversary market, be due to crypto trading at ablaze acceleration compared to the crumbling ancient asset’s bazaar hours?

It is possible, but whatever the cause, it is bright that the two assets are assuming agnate performance. Gold afresh set a new best high, while Bitcoin bankrupt aloft $12,000 area it was rejected. The two assets demography a blow afore added upside is acutely advantageous in the continued term, and actual altered from Bitcoin of 2019 that saw a 300% assemblage in three months, followed by addition six-month downtrend.

The handle accumulation could booty gold years to complete, while Bitcoin affective at lightning’s pace, will ability its ambition and complete the accumulation afore the alpha of 2024.

The ambition of the arrangement in gold would accelerate the adored metal aerial against $3,000, while Bitcoin would aim for targets aloft $16,000. Will this cup and accumulation arrangement comedy out? Depends on if your cup is bisected full, or bisected empty, and what the bazaar decides in the canicule ahead.