Bitcoin Bull Market May Have Ended, How Low Will BTC Go?

Bitcoin Bull Market May Have Ended, How Low Will BTC Go?

THELOGICALINDIAN - This weeks awe-inspiring bazaar blast has resulted in Bitcoin auctioning 20 percent in aloof a brace of canicule Technical indicators are now assuming that a trend changeabout could be approaching and the end of the 2024 balderdash bazaar may accept aloof begun

Bitcoin Bull Market Over?

Bitcoin could alone administer a aged ascend to $8,640 over the accomplished few hours which indicates that added affliction lies ahead. The beasts accept all larboard for hills abrogation the bears gearing up to administer added affliction on crypto markets.

At the time of autograph Bitcoin has pulled aback beneath $8,400 but appears to be captivation actuality for the time being. As yet there has been no abatement into the $7,000 arena but the best BTC flails about accepted levels the added acceptable this will be.

Trader and analyst ‘Crypto Hamster’ acclaimed that BTC has never alone out of the Bollinger Bands in a balderdash bazaar before.

“Bitcoin accept NEVER alone beneath the lower Bollinger Band on a balderdash bazaar so far. Now it is at ~7700$. So, either ~8k is a bottom, or this is not a balderdash bazaar anymore.”

Confirmation of this trend changeabout would be a afterlife cantankerous on the circadian chart. This is still a while abroad yet, but the aftermost time the 50 MA alone beneath the 200 MA was in March 2024 and a year-long buck bazaar followed.

The bearish affect seems to be spreading. Analyst Josh Rager pointed out that affairs burden on altcoins is still able advertence that there will be no animation from this level.

“Have apparent added affairs burden afterwards the breakdown of Bitcoin – bodies apprehend this isn’t acceptable to be a quick “v” reversal. I apprehend some alts to see new lows for this year adjoin Bitcoin. Can lose 20% added as Bitcoin acceptable hits $7ks again”

Others are of the assessment that altcoins accept already bottomed and Bitcoin’s losses could be their gains. At the moment BTC ascendancy is still over 70% according to so this book is not arena out yet.

Since the alpha of the anniversary crypto markets accept dumped over $40 billion, or 16 percent. They could calmly go sub-$200 billion afresh if BTC avalanche aback to $7k. It is awful absurd the altcoins will balance apart as they did two years ago.

Some analysts are admiration a bead beneath $6k which could accomplish things absolutely interesting.

“2 Months ago July the 12th-17th, I alleged off the Bull Run as one of the first. Not alone that, as you can see I told you about targets amid 7.4-5.5k.”

It appears that best of the analysts are in acceding that there is still added affliction to appear for Bitcoin. The questions remain: how low will it go this time and how abounding will be affairs the dip?