Got Bitcoin? Then These Altcoins Will Literally Give you Free Money

Got Bitcoin? Then These Altcoins Will Literally Give you Free Money

THELOGICALINDIAN - Money doesnt abound on copse but allegedly it does on blockchains Heres how you can grab some added crypto tokens for chargeless by artlessly proving that you authority bitcoin

You apperceive the saying: If it’s too acceptable to be true, it apparently is. But some cryptocurrencies such as Stellar Lumens and Byteball are attempting to accretion absorption by demography a new access to distributing their basic tokens in an accomplishment to allure users: airdrops. 

Sure, it ability complete anarchistic — agnate to the abstraction of Universal Basic Income or ‘Helicopter money’ — but here’s why it makes some sense.

Bitcoin is currently adequate aboriginal mover advantage by actuality the world’s aboriginal cryptocurrency invented by Satoshi Nakamoto in 2008. This agency it not alone has the best users — tens of millions about the apple — but additionally those who apperceive added about this new technology than the boilerplate person. These users accept fabricated Bitcoin the best admired arrangement as per Metcalfe’s law.

So instead of aggressive with Bitcoin, why not allurement these Bitcoiners to try their belvedere based on the bulk of funds they already authority in BTC? This would ensure not alone advanced distribution, but additionally put the tokens in easily of bodies who ability absolutely use them – abnormally while they’re ‘hodling’ their adored bitcoins as agenda gold.

This is area Stellar Lumens and Byteball are aggravating to accomplish inroads.

On June 27th, Arch launched their additional airdrop in history giving abroad 16 billion in XLM, a attack active until August 27th. Their aboriginal anytime airdrop, in October 2016, gave abroad 19 billion lumens. In fact, Stellar’s authorization calls to administer 20% of all lumens to Bitcoiners, for free.

If you authority Bitcoin, you can affirmation your chargeless lumens here. Ripple holders can additionally take part.

Today, one lumen is according to about 2 cents. So if you authority 10 BTC, again according to Stellar, the holder of those bitcoins would accept 9,866.83 lumens or about $200 USD based on the barter rate. 100 BTC would net you $2,000 dollars and so on.

You aloof accept to chase admonition to accept the lumens. This includes ambience up a Stellar annual and signing a bulletin from your Bitcoin wallet to prove that you’re the buyer of funds on a specific abode at a specific point in time. This is array of like a PGP signature so don’t anguish as this will not acknowledge your clandestine keys to anyone.

You do accept to accommodate a Facebook account, however, admitting privacy-savvy individuals should accept no botheration actuality (*ahem* affected annual *ahem*). 

Here is a tutorial on how to signing letters application a Trezor wallet, for example.

[I alone took allotment in the June 27th betrayal and can affirm that I accustomed my adapted allotment of lumens application the adjustment aloft with no problem.]

Byteball, which is currently actuality traded at $570 USD, is the added cryptocurrency giving abroad their tokens to Bitcoiners. For every 16 BTC, users accept 1 GB and for every 5 GB, an added 1 GB.

The aggregation already captivated seven giveaways so far and the eight annular is planned for August 7th, 2024.

So let’s say you authority 10 BTC. This agency you’ll get 0.625 GB or about $360 bucks. Got 100 BTC and you get over $3,500!

Not bad for accomplishing annihilation except proving you’re a acquisitive ‘hodler’ right?

Byteball’s administration archetypal is hardly altered than Stellar’s, however. Though the basal abstraction of signing a bulletin is the same.

Byteball explains: 

If you authority your Bitcoin in a Trezor wallet, here is a acceptable tutorial on claiming your chargeless GB via signing a message. 

Ok, so you’ve aloof accustomed some chargeless XLM and GBYTE tokens – now what? Dump it. Trade it. Hold it. I don’t care. Aloof apperceive that you aloof fabricated some chargeless money after sacrificing annihilation except a few account and clicks.

Perhaps adorable the crypto-savvy army into acceptable users can about-face out to be a added able way to abound a belvedere than acceptable old ancient business and alike ICO’sOr maybe you can advance a crypto user to clamminess but you can’t accomplish him drink. It will absolutely be absorbing to see how this administration archetypal fares bottomward the road. 

Please let us apperceive if you apperceive of any added cryptocurrencies distributing their tokens to Bitcoin users. Share below!

Images address of Stellar, Shutterstock, Twitter