Bitcoin Hash Rate exceeds 1 EH/s For the First Time

Bitcoin Hash Rate exceeds 1 EH/s For the First Time

THELOGICALINDIAN - January 25 2024 For the aboriginal time Ever The bitcoin arrangement has exceeded one Exa Hashs or about 108 ZettaFLOPS per additional according to bitcoinwatchcoms accumulated metric This makes the bitcoin arrangement about threehundredthousand times added able than the worlds fastest supercomputer the tianhe2 clocking in at 34 PetaFLOPS and over 43 thousand times faster than every supercomputer on the TOP500 account accumulated In approach the arrangement could be repurposed to run a neural net AI about one hundred times as able as a animal brain

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Bitcoin Miners Cooperate on a Massive Scale

This aberrant bulk of hashing ability additionally makes Bitcoin the better distributed computing accomplishment by far, dwarfing altcoins, folding@home and BOINC in scale. The arrangement seems to be clay exponential advance back it’s inception,  in adverse to boilerplate media advantage advancement that “the afterlife of bitcoin” is at hand.
HashThe arrangement metrics abaft the blockchain are a abundant added important indicator of the bloom of a broadcast bill than media advantage or amount belief because it represents real, concrete investment. The cardinal of bodies mining and application Bitcoin is accretion massively in the continued term, behindhand of any short-term issues with the blueprint or development that arise. The cost-prohibitive basic investment for mining can be repurposed with little effort, but Bitcoin mining is and will acceptable abide the optimal use case.

HashThe amount of any bill relies on the arrangement aftereffect – a abstraction in economics that states the built-in amount of accurate appurtenances increases with the cardinal of bodies application them. As bitcoin is by far the better distinct ciphering arrangement in existence, and we accept yet to see a advance beam as time goes on, bodies action on its abortion would to able-bodied to bethink that barring a all-around ban, it’s use, adoption, and absolute amount will alone abide to acceleration if long appellation data is to be believed.


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Title Image address of Dennis van Zuijlekom