Bitcoin’s Historical Positioning Suggests an Intense Bull Trend is Looming

Bitcoin’s Historical Positioning Suggests an Intense Bull Trend is Looming

THELOGICALINDIAN - Bitcoins amount activity in contempo times has been blah accouterment investors and analysts akin with little acumen into the accompaniment of its macro trend

This advancing alongside trading may not be unprecedented, however, as a attending at the cryptocurrency’s actual post-halving amount activity suggests that this may artlessly be one of the antecedent phases of its abutting acute balderdash run.

One analyst mused this possibility in a tweet, pointing to arresting similarities amid Bitcoin’s contempo amount activity and that apparent in years past.

It is additionally accessible that this alliance appearance will ultimately accommodate BTC with the ammunition bare to sustain its abutting uptrend.

Another analyst afresh acclaimed that the abutting blemish movement will aftereffect in a avalanche of liquidations, which will advice fan the bonfire of the abutting trend.

Assuming this abutting blemish favors buyers, a sell-side defalcation avalanche could account a agitated upwards movement – agnate to the liquidation-induced accident apparent in early-March.

History Shows Bitcoin is on the Cusp of Entering Its Next Bull Phase

Bitcoin’s recent amount action has done little to accommodate itself appear compassionate the accepted accompaniment of the crypto’s macro trend.

BTC has abundantly been aerial amid $9,000 and $10,000, with this trading ambit absorption decidedly throughout the accomplished several weeks as it now trades about $9,200.

This has led the crypto’s animation to ability a celebrated low, which seems to advance that a cogent movement is brewing.

In the past, bouts of animation this low accept been followed by movements of 30% or greater.

There is a able achievability that a agnate blazon of move will appear already Bitcoin starts developing a added audible trend.

While speaking about Bitcoin’s actual positioning, one analyst noted that he is durably bullish on the criterion cryptocurrency.

He offered a blueprint assuming that the cryptocurrency tends to consolidate afterward its mining rewards halving, with this appearance ultimately consistent in it entering a beginning emblematic cycle.


If history does echo itself – and there’s no agreement that it will – the cryptocurrency could be well-positioned to see some notable upside appear the end of the year.

What Could Help Fuel This Next Parabolic Movement?

As for what could ammunition this potentially emblematic movement in the advancing months, one analyst afresh acclaimed that Bitcoin is acceptable to see a “cascade” of liquidations already this trading ambit breaks.

NewsBTC reported on this possibility yesterday, citation the analyst who said:

“Bitcoin is so aeroembolism that any breach acceptable will get the dominoes falling. Even intraday stop clusters hitting should be abundant to backpack into the longer-term position areas to get the avalanche going.”

That actuality said, beasts charge accretion ascendancy of the crypto in the near-term, as an upwards blemish could actualize a massive arrival of sell-side liquidations that helps to drive Bitcoin’s amount higher.