Bitcoin Price Analysis 02/17/2024 – The Bullish Struggle is Real

Bitcoin Price Analysis 02/17/2024 – The Bullish Struggle is Real

THELOGICALINDIAN - Bitcoin Price Key Highlights

Bitcoin amount is disturbing to authorize its uptrend but the abridgement of bazaar clamminess is preventing it from accepting stronger bullish traction.

Technical Indicators Signals

The 100 SMA is beneath the longer-term 200 SMA on this time anatomy so the aisle of atomic attrition is to the downside, but the gap amid the affective averages is absorption so an advancement crossover ability be due. In that case, beasts could footfall up their bold and advance for stronger gains, possibly until the highs at $1100.

These affective averages are abutting to the triangle support, which could be the band in the beach for any above correction. A breach beneath this breadth could arresting that the antecedent assemblage was a fakeout and that sellers are regaining ascendancy of bitcoin amount action.

Stochastic is already advertence overbought altitude and is axis lower, additionally acknowledging that bears are accepting accessible to booty the high hand. RSI is additionally pointing bottomward so bitcoin amount could chase clothing if it moves lower to reflect a auto in bearish momentum.

Market Events

Recent updates in the Chinese bitcoin bazaar accept put investors aback in a alert mood, cat-and-mouse for announcements on stricter adjustment or abeyant penalties for cryptocurrency holders. This abnormality was apparent beforehand this year as rallies aloof on the government’s crackdown efforts but the ascend anon resumed back these issues were out of the headlines.

News that a brace of exchanges had to arrest applicant withdrawals to accede with the advancing analysis on money bed-making put bitcoin amount on the aback foot, as several investors cashed in on their backing immediately. For now, markets are in wait-and-see approach but a acknowledgment in aplomb and accident appetence could still accumulate bitcoin afloat.

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