BTC Price Tech Analysis for 09/23/2024 – Another Bearish Flag?

BTC Price Tech Analysis for 09/23/2024 – Another Bearish Flag?

THELOGICALINDIAN - Bitcoin Price Key Highlights

Bitcoin amount is blockage but appears to artlessly be pausing from its contempo dive to accumulate added momentum.

Technical Indicators Signals

The 100 SMA is still aloft the longer-term 200 SMA on this time frame, suggesting that beasts could still advance bitcoin amount aback up. After all, amount is still award abutment at the longer-term ascendance approach basal and the activating articulation point at the 200 SMA.

However, the gap amid the affective averages seems to be absorption so a bottomward crossover may be imminent. If it happens, added sellers could accumulation up their abbreviate positions and activate a downside breach from the $580-590 abutment zone, ambience off a longer-term drop.

Stochastic is on average arena at the moment, absorption agnosticism amid buyers and sellers. It’s account acquainted that the oscillator is on its way up, though, hinting at a slight favor in bullish odds.

Bitcoin Price Technical Analysis for 09/23/2016 - Another Bearish Flag?

Market Events

Liquidity has slowed already added afterwards the axial coffer contest accept passed, decidedly the FOMC statement. The Fed absitively to accumulate absorption ante banausic for the time actuality but larboard the aperture accessible for a December hike, which ability be abundant to accumulate the dollar stronger adjoin bitcoin amount in the abutting few months.

However, all this would be data-dependent so any disappointments in US letters could abate abbreviating allowance and draw traders abroad from the dollar and aback to bitcoin. Keep in apperception that a accessible Fed amount backpack not alone influences dollar appeal but additionally affects bazaar sentiment, with abbreviating expectations acceptable befitting a lid on accident appetence and abacus a annoyance on bitcoin price.

On the added hand, expectations that the Fed would accumulate borrowing costs at their low levels for the butt of the year could accumulate adventurousness in play, auspicious traders to abate their safe-haven dollar backing and accompany college allotment in riskier assets like bitcoin.

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