Bitcoin Price Analysis for 10/13/2024 – How High Can It Go?

Bitcoin Price Analysis for 10/13/2024 – How High Can It Go?

THELOGICALINDIAN - Bitcoin Price Key Highlights

Bitcoin amount is on a breach afterwards establishing stronger bullish drive on a breach accomplished the $5000 barrier, ambience its architect on $6000 next.

Technical Indicators Signals

The 100 SMA is still cautiously aloft the longer-term 200 SMA so the aisle of atomic attrition is to the upside, which agency that the assemblage is added acceptable to abide than to reverse. Bitcoin amount has additionally confused accomplished the $5000 cerebral barrier, allowance the aisle for a move to the abutting beam at $6063.69 or the abounding extension.

However, academic is already advertence overbought conditions, which agency that buyers are activity beat and may let sellers booty over. RSI is additionally in the overbought akin but has yet to about-face lower to announce a acknowledgment in affairs pressure. If that happens, a pullback to the antecedent highs could be in the cards.

Market Factors

It’s adamantine to define the exact agitator that spurred the able assemblage but it looks like investors are accession for addition big move advanced of the arrangement advancement in November. Back in August, this accident led to a new leg college for bitcoin amount and the cryptocurrency has managed to balance alike from a alternation of abrogating updates since.

For one, China has agitated its crackdown on bitcoin by banning ICO allotment and eventually shutting bottomward exchanges. However, the ample bead in volumes has boring been fabricated up for by added markets like Japan and South Korea.

Additional animation is still accepted affective forward, and the absolution of US CPI and retail sales abstracts after today ability additionally appulse BTCUSD price. Apart from that, abrasion Fed backpack expectations for December are additionally belief on the dollar to bitcoin’s advantage.