BTC Price Tech Analysis for 10/25/2024 – Bulls Back in Action!

BTC Price Tech Analysis for 10/25/2024 – Bulls Back in Action!

THELOGICALINDIAN - Bitcoin Price Key Highlights

Bitcoin amount seems to be regaining bullish drive afterwards breaking aloft this concise alliance pattern.

Technical Indicators Signals

The 100 SMA is still cautiously aloft the longer-term 200 SMA afterwards its contempo crossover, which agency that the ascend could backpack on. The gap amid the affective averages is addition so bullish drive is acrimonious up, acceptable demography bitcoin amount up to the antecedent highs at $675 or higher.

However, academic is already advertence overbought conditions, which suggests that profit-taking could appear on the contempo rally. If so, bitcoin amount could accomplish a beyond alteration to the activating 100 SMA abutment or the breadth of absorption accent in a previous article.

Stronger affairs burden could alike activation a breach beneath the adjacent abutment zones, aperture the case for a selloff already the oscillator active south from the overbought breadth on this bitcoin chart.

Bitcoin Price Technical Analysis for 10/25/2016 - Bulls Back in Action!

Market Events

Risk appetence seems to be acrimonious up in the banking markets already more, attributable to the abridgement of abrogating account and an advance in the bread-and-butter angle according to some axial coffer officials. ECB Governor Mario Draghi and BOE Governor Mark Carney accept testimonies lined up today and their animadversion could backpack a lot of weight in administering bazaar sentiment.

Risk-taking has been benign the higher-yielding bitcoin these canicule adjoin the safe-haven US dollar, although the closing could still draw abutment from stronger Fed amount backpack expectations. Speeches from Fed admiral accept been alloyed yesterday, befitting the allowance college for a backpack in December rather than November.

Watch out for abeyant profit-taking action appear the end of the anniversary back it coincides with the end of the ages and comes advanced of beyond catalysts lined up in the aboriginal anniversary of November.

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