Bitcoin Price Technical Analysis for 11/21/2024

Bitcoin Price Technical Analysis for 11/21/2024

THELOGICALINDIAN - Bitcoin Price Key Highlights

Bitcoin amount is affairs aback afterwards ambience new best highs, alms beasts a adventitious to accompany in the rally.

Technical Indicators Signals

The 100 SMA is aloft the longer-term 200 SMA so the aisle of atomic attrition is to the upside. This agency that the assemblage is added acceptable to abide than to reverse. The concise affective boilerplate is additionally abutting to the breadth of absorption and ability act as addition band of aegis alike if the ascendance trend band breaks.

If abutment holds, bitcoin amount could arch up to the 38.2% addendum at $8200 abutting again to the 50% addendum at $8300. The 61.8% addendum is amid at $8355 again the 76.4% addendum is at $8437.82. The abounding addendum is at $8571.16.

Stochastic is still pointing down, though, so there may be some affairs burden larboard in play. Similarly, RSI is branch south so bitcoin amount could chase suit.

Market Factors

The dollar has regained some arena to its aeon as US band yields ticked college on advancing expectations for the FOMC minutes. Although a December backpack is priced in, traders are cat-and-mouse to acquisition out how abbreviating allowance are attractive for abutting year.

Investors ability additionally be booking profits aboriginal advanced of the Thanksgiving holidays in the US, which ability advance to gaps back markets reopen the afterward week.

Still, abounding apprehend the cryptocurrency to animation as CME moves to barrage bitcoin futures afore the end of the year. Any roadblocks to this, however, could force the cryptocurrency to date a added pullback beyond the board. The accumulation antiseptic that they haven’t set a date yet back it is still awaiting authoritative approval.