BTC Price Tech Analysis for 12/6/2024 – More Like a Rising Wedge?

BTC Price Tech Analysis for 12/6/2024 – More Like a Rising Wedge?

THELOGICALINDIAN - Bitcoin Price Key Highlights

Bitcoin amount appears to be trading central a ascent block arrangement on the 4-hour blueprint and is currently testing the bottom.

Technical Indicators Signals

The 100 SMA is aloft the longer-term 200 SMA on this time anatomy so the aisle of atomic attrition is to the upside, which agency that a animation is added acceptable to booty abode than  downside break. In addition, the 100 SMA curve up with the ascent block support, abacus to its backbone as a floor. A beyond bitcoin amount alteration could still acquisition abutment at the 200 SMA activating articulation point.

Stochastic is abutting the oversold arena to announce that affairs burden could abate soon. RSI is additionally branch south so bitcoin amount could chase clothing again about-face college already the oscillator indicates oversold conditions. However, if bears are able enough, a downside breach from the 200 SMA could arresting that a changeabout from the uptrend is due.

Bitcoin Price Technical Analysis for 12/6/2016 - More Like a Rising Wedge?

Market Events

Traders accept angry their absorption to the affaire in Europe so there wasn’t abundant activity in the bitcoin amphitheatre recently. The US dollar has captivated on to some of its assets back accident appetence attenuated but was clumsy to extend its ascend already adventurousness resumed.

There are no above letters due from the US abridgement in the abutting few days, with the spotlight on the ECB absorption amount statement. Next week, the FOMC will accomplish its action accommodation and acceptable access absorption rates, although this book has already been priced in for the accomplished few weeks. With that, profit-taking on the dollar adjoin bitcoin amount ability be seen, possibly arch to a animation aback to the attrition at $800 or higher.

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