Bitcoin Price Analysis for 01/02/2024 – Falling Wedge Sighting!

Bitcoin Price Analysis for 01/02/2024 – Falling Wedge Sighting!

THELOGICALINDIAN - Bitcoin Price Key Highlights

Bitcoin amount is currently trending lower and ability be able to resume its accelerate afterwards testing the adjacent attrition levels.

Technical Indicators Signals

The 100 SMA is beneath the 200 SMA, acknowledging that the aisle of atomic attrition is to the downside. In addition, the 100 SMA curve up with the top of the block pattern, abacus to its backbone as a abeyant attrition level.

Stochastic is branch north, however, which suggests that buyers are in ascendancy of bitcoin amount activity at the moment. RSI is additionally on the move up and authoritative its way accomplished average arena so there ability be some bullish burden left.

Once the oscillators ability the overbought levels and about-face lower, bitcoin amount ability chase suit. This could advance to addition analysis of the block abutment abreast $360-365 or conceivably a breach lower.

If so, bitcoin bulk could abatement to the abutting abeyant attic at $300. Note that the block arrangement spans $360-420 so the bead ability bulk to $60 or more, depending on how continued the bearish drive persists.

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Market Factors

Bitcoin amount trends could articulation on the aftereffect of this week’s top-tier events, which accommodate the NFP release, BOE statement, and RBA statement. No absolute action changes are accepted for the time actuality but any about-face to a added dovish attitude could activation accident abhorrence and abutment the US dollar.

Earlier today, Chinese PMI readings came in mixed, as China’s official accomplishment amount adumbrated a bead but the Caixin adaptation showed a slight improvement. This is befitting riskier assets like bitcoin afloat adjoin their safe-haven aeon so far, with equities additionally chalking up aged gains.

Commodity prices and futures are attractive on edge, though, which suggests that longer-term declines for bitcoin amount ability breach in play. However, an upside breach from the block attrition on a auto in adventurousness could accompany it up to the abutting breadth of absorption at $400 again assimilate $465.

Later today, the US amount PCE amount basis is up for absolution and this could accept a able appulse on dollar movement, as the Fed is befitting afterpiece tabs on aggrandizement these days. Also on the calendar are claimed spending and assets reports, which are advised arch indicators.

Prolonged assets ability alike booty bitcoin amount to its antecedent year highs afterpiece to $500, although it’s adamantine to brainstorm what bazaar agitator could activation such a move. For now, concise moves central the alliance arrangement could materialize, afore amount alcove the aiguille of the accumulation and is affected to breach out. Volatility is accepted to aces up about the average of the week.

Intraday abutment akin – $365

Intraday attrition akin – $375

Technical Indicators Settings:

Charts from Bitstamp, address of TradingView