BTC Price Tech Analysis For 03/23/2024 – March Outlook Negative!

BTC Price Tech Analysis For 03/23/2024 – March Outlook Negative!


Bitcoin amount is eyeing for a breach in March 2024. Let us see how it may barter during the actual allotment of the week.

Bitcoin Price – Break Down?

Bitcoin amount is trading in a range for the accomplished brace of weeks, but if we attending at the account chart, again we will apperceive that BTCUSD is absolutely basic a blemish structure. There is a application triangle arrangement basic on the circadian blueprint (data augment from Bitstamp), which can be apparent as a above arrangement for the abutting move in Bitcoin amount adjoin the US dollar.

If we attending at the beachcomber count, again the amount is in the 5th beachcomber at the moment, which can actual able-bodied complete abreast the triangle attrition area. A breach beneath the triangle abutment breadth could easily advance the amount towards the 61.8% Fib retracement akin of the aftermost leg from the $300 low to $460 high.

Bitcoin Price Technical Analysis

The amount is currently flirting abreast the 100-day simple affective average, and a auspiciously abutting beneath it may access the bearish burden on BTC/USD. Let us delay for a breach during the advancing canicule and again amount out which way to access a trade. The affairs of it breaking bottomward is added compared with a breach higher.

Looking at the abstruse indicators:

Daily MACD – The circadian MACD is about flat, calling for a breach affective ahead.

RSI (Relative Strength Index) – The RSI is beneath the 50 levels, which is a abrogating assurance for the bulls.

Intraday Support Level – $400

Intraday Resistance Level – $425


Charts from Bitstamp; hosted by Trading View