Bitcoin Price Analysis 17/02/2016 -Testing Triangle Resistance

Bitcoin Price Analysis 17/02/2016 -Testing Triangle Resistance

THELOGICALINDIAN - Bitcoin Price Key Highlights

Bitcoin amount is blockage appropriate on the balanced triangle resistance, still chief whether to accomplish a animation or a break.

Bearish Technical Signals

The 100 SMA is beneath the 200 SMA on the 4-hour time frame, advertence that the aisle of atomic attrition is to the downside. This agency that the triangle attrition is acceptable to accumulate assets in check, banishment bitcoin amount to about-face aback south and accomplish a analysis of the abutment at $380.

Stochastic is advertence overbought conditions, although the oscillator hasn’t angry bottomward from the 80.0 akin yet. RSI, on the added hand, is already on the move bottomward so bearish drive ability be acrimonious up.

If sellers are able enough, they could alike advance for a breach of the triangle abutment and activation a longer-term bead for bitcoin price. This could advance to a declivity until the actual basal of the triangle at $280-300.

On the added hand, a able billow in bullish burden could activate an upside breach of resistance, arch to a assemblage up to the aiguille of the triangle at $500, which is the antecedent year high.

bitcoin, btcusd

Market Events

Yesterday’s run in accident appetence accustomed bitcoin amount to sustain its climb, as US traders alternate to their desks and pushed equities higher. Also, abstracts from the US abridgement came in abbreviate of expectations, belief on appeal for the Greenback and appropriation bitcoin in the process.

For today, the US abridgement is set to book its PPI, architecture permits, and automated assembly reports. Another annular of anemic after-effects could beggarly added losses for the dollar, acceptance bitcoin amount to accomplish an upside blemish from the balanced triangle resistance.

However, traders ability authority out for the absolution of the FOMC minutes, as these ability accommodate a beat angle for the economy. Fed admiral accept afresh bidding their apropos about falling article prices, dollar strength, and banking bazaar animation – all of which ability bedew accident appetence and accumulate a lid on bitcoin amount gains.

Another Commodity Drop?

Commodity prices accept additionally played a agency in bitcoin amount trends, as the cryptocurrency appears to be accepting arena in bike with awkward oil. Just recently, a few affairs were captivated amid activity admiral of Russia, Venezuela, Qatar, and Saudi Arabia but these artlessly led to proposals of a assembly benumb instead of an absolute cut.

Also, the agreements aren’t set in bean yet back Saudi Arabia has agreed to abet alone if added oil-producing nations accompany in. So far, Iran still appears absorbed on ramping up assembly now that they’ve aloof alternate to the oil consign market, thereby belief on article prices and bazaar sentiment.

Intraday abutment akin – $380

Intraday attrition akin – $410

Charts from Bitstamp, address of TradingView