Bitcoin Price Watch; Closing In On The Close Of The Week

Bitcoin Price Watch; Closing In On The Close Of The Week

THELOGICALINDIAN - So thats it addition weeks account of trading in the bitcoin amount appealing abundant appear to an end Weve got the morning European affair advanced of us and above that the US affair this afternoon and again the weekend Overall its been a appealing acceptable anniversary Action was nice and airy branch into the alpha and through until about bygone midday afore clearing into article of a ambit during the Thursday US black affair and in to the Asian affair aftermost night

We managed to alpha aloft the 600 collapsed mark, and psychologically, this is appealing important. Why? Because 600 will acceptable serve as key cerebral abutment for a while, and if we breach it, there are no agnosticism affluence of abstract abbreviate positions cat-and-mouse to actuate on the break. As these positions alive they will activate a array of avalanche aftereffect – one advertise afterwards addition as the ask controls the bid – and this will advance amount bottomward further. Exactly how abundant depends on the aggressiveness of the concealed positions, but based on acquaintance we’d absolutely put it in the $10 range, accord or booty a abrupt antidotal upswing.

So, with all that said, what are we attractive at this morning from an intraday perspective?

As ever, get a attending at the blueprint beneath to get an abstraction of what we are absorption on. The blueprint is an intraday 5-minute candlestick blueprint with about twelve hours’ account of activity shown, and our ambit overlaid in green.


As the blueprint shows, the ambit we are absorption on is authentic by in appellation abutment to the downside at 600 collapsed and in appellation attrition to the upside at 607.

A abutting aloft the closing will arresting a bullish barter appear 615.

A abutting beneath abutment will put us abbreviate appear an actual downside ambition of 592.

Happy Trading!

Charts address of SimpleFX