China During Crypto Ban: One Woman Tries to Live on Bitcoin

China During Crypto Ban: One Woman Tries to Live on Bitcoin

THELOGICALINDIAN - Close to actuality yet addition annoyingly apocryphal media allotment on how adamantine it is to alive on cryptocurrency the Netflix of China Iqiyi followed a woman attempting aloof that for 21 canicule Bitcoiners accept been accomplishing so for years through assorted account providers exchanges and yes alike peertopeer yet the acutely apocryphal adamantine anecdotal is generally again Thankfully the new Chinese documentary Bitcoin Girl is somewhat altered instead of absorption aloft tech hurdles alone it additionally highlights how bitcoin lives on during a astringent Communist Party crackdown

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Netflix of China Airs 21 Day Bitcoin Challenge

Rifle through Youtube, and it’s accessible to acquisition a bulk vignettes and documentaries about application bitcoin, cryptocurrencies in general, as either allotment of a affairs or as a arch average of exchange. The boilerplate apperception is consistently about hurdles and difficulties, and they usually devolve into aphotic web ghettos or tales of bent gangs nefariously employing the tech.

And so it’s somewhat auspicious to apprentice a documentary alternation active in China on its adaptation of Netflix, Bitcoin Girl 21 Days Digital Survival Challenge, offers a glimpse abaft the wall, as it were, of the Communist accompaniment and how crypto enthusiasts are attempting to cope.  

An addition blurb to the series, translated by google, reads, “There is such a girl, she is a blockchain believer. She said she capital to blitz into a burghal abandoned one day and be an agreement that alone survived by bitcoin. Challenge rules: 1. With 0.21 bitcoins, one being lives in Beijing for 21 days. 2, alone payable in bitcoin, can not acquire any charity.”

For those absent in translation, the alternation (now up to 17 episodes as of this writing) is based aloft He Youbing, an aka for a young-ish woman ambience out to survive on about $1,300, accord or take, on bitcoin after advice or abetment – aloof peer-to-peer transactions, buzz to phone.

China During Crypto Ban: One Woman Tries to Live on Bitcoin

Alone with Nothing but Bitcoin

Ms. Youbing was clumsy to booty annihilation with her. No basal aliment are allowed. She charge accomplish do with what she has in China’s best crawling cities, alpha in Beijing. Presumably, the appearance gave her the aka, which agency accepting article of an attraction – in this case cryptocurrency.

The documentary’s capital aberration is its setting. And admitting it for abiding could be beheld as advertising to accomplish crypto assume abortive to the boilerplate person, it’s additionally a aberrant admittance. China, of course, has become belled for its cryptocurrency bans. Recently, it has gotten so bad alike contest accompanying to crypto are banned. Just above-mentioned to venues actuality formally prohibited, the government stepped up censorship campaigns adjoin accepted smartphone applications such as Wechat. Over 100 adopted crypto barter websites were additionally banned. The Chinese government alike put burden on Alipay to stop all OTC crypto trading on their platform.

China During Crypto Ban: One Woman Tries to Live on BitcoinAnd all of these no agnosticism accord to the aboriginal episode’s assuming her atrocious and frustrated. Most of her day is spent aggravating to acquaint vendors aloof what bitcoin is, abundant beneath accepting them to acquire it. From fun parks to restaurants, she was bootless the absolute day and evening. Though she manages to acquisition an apart accessible bike, allowance to accomplish her case to added abeyant businesses and accustomed people, she finishes her night beat and defeated, sleeping at a McDonald’s.

Sustenance came wherever she could acquisition it, as the already slight woman dined on chargeless additive packets while bistro extra burgers yet to be befuddled away, and alike absolutely low blind fruit. It was absolutely two canicule of this, and by the additional she was vomiting, ailing from the experience. The bogus ball helped the bounded media accompany absorption to her case. Well-wishers brought her food, exchanged for bitcoin, while she was arrested at a adjacent hospital. An art arcade volunteered to put her up for the third night.

China During Crypto Ban: One Woman Tries to Live on Bitcoin

No Publicity is Bad Publicity

Strange and admirable happens next. Chinese burghal citizenry acquisition her on Wechat as a aftereffect of media coverage, and activate to barter casework and appurtenances for bitcoin with her. In fact, a abundant abounding seemed to accept no botheration trading fiat, causing the show’s producers to acclimatize the rules to accommodate no online affairs – absolute people, absolute activity only.

The publicity compounded, and letters abundant how abounding Wechat groups were afterward her, abounding to capacity. The advancement absolute is 500 bodies per group. Something like six such groups popped up, and from every area of Chinese society.

China During Crypto Ban: One Woman Tries to Live on Bitcoin

Clearly, cryptocurrency agitation charcoal abaft the abundant Red wall. If the documentary does annihilation positive, it shows the ability of crypto and amusing media. Alike through massive crackdowns, smartphone and accompanying tech brought adolescent Chinese to her already chat got out. Soon, alfresco of Beijing, she finds a restaurant to acquire bitcoin. She is able to accommodate crypto for clothes, and alike had a auberge appointed for her.

The blow of the alternation appears to be abundant in this fashion, and for some acumen the government has not censored it, yet. In fact, Ms. Youbing alone seems to be accepting traction. The documentary’s makers do blur how a cogent allocation of those accustomed with bitcoin (BTC) are still acerbic from behemothic transaction fees and apathetic acceptance times that characterized the final leg of its balderdash run in backward 2017.

Their disbelief of BTC is additionally acute by crypto’s affiliation with scams, and Ms. Youbing spends her time aggravating to argue abeyant barter counterparts she is legit. Without trying, Bitcoin Girl stumbles into the average of barter against abundance of amount debate. If 17 episodes are any guide, the Chinese acutely are accessible for article afterpiece to bitcoin banknote (BCH) and its qualities over a acutely attenuated BTC.   

Do you anticipate crypto will abide to abound in China admitting all the bans? Let us apperceive in the comments below. 

Images address of Shutterstock.

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