Bitcoin and Tasty Meat: A Crypto-Pioneer in Rural Kenya

Bitcoin and Tasty Meat: A Crypto-Pioneer in Rural Kenya

THELOGICALINDIAN - Bitcoin and Tasty Meat mustto abounding in the crypto association complete like their own claimed apperception of heaven Well they can now realise that dream acknowledgment to a selfconfessed cryptocurrency pioneerin rural Kenya

Betty’s Place

Two years ago Beatrice Wambugu started trading in bitcoin. In a year she had fabricated abundant to buy a baby Kenyan auberge and catechumen it to a restaurant. That restaurant, Betty’s Place, serves a accepted dupe meat barbecue bowl alleged ‘nyama choma’. It additionally accepts both Bitcoin and Dash.

“I accomplish my money from Bitcoin and appetizing buzz meat,” beams Beatrice, the eponymous Betty.

Rural Kenya

However, actuality in the rural boondocks of Nyeri, 90 afar from the capital, Nairobi, has meant that appeal for the ability has been modest. So far, about twenty barter accept paid in cryptocurrency, accretion about 30,000 Kenyan shillings account ($300).

To animate adoption, Beatrice holds account cryptocurrency classes at the restaurant. Interested barter accept training in what bitcoin is, and how to use it. The acceleration of adaptable phones in Africa means advantageous with cryptocurrency is simple.

Banking the Unbanked

Over 350 actor Africans don’t accept admission to acceptable banking. But abounding accept that cryptocurrency ability advice them to already afresh leapfrog the agenda divide.

The actualization of the adaptable buzz and its consecutive beyond has meant that abounding in Africa bypassed blast landlines altogether. Smartphone assimilation is projected to ability 50% by 2024, according to the African Development Bank.

Now that aforementioned accessory could accredit cyberbanking casework after defective acceptable banks.


Even Africans who can admission acceptable cyberbanking casework may not assurance corporations, institutions or alike governments. Many African countries accept dealt with bribery scandals or poor governance, and some accept blockchain technology can adverse this.

The accuracy and accountability of blockchain, could abate annex on assurance bodies charge put into their institutions. Pan-African company, Liquid Telecom, alleged the technology a “truth agent that represents a new befalling to advance processes and drive efficiency.”

Will Bitcoin and cryptocurrency bolt on in Africa? Share your thoughts below! 

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