Bitwala Sees ‘Steep’ Bitcoin Adoption in Developing Countries

Bitwala Sees ‘Steep’ Bitcoin Adoption in Developing Countries

THELOGICALINDIAN - The latest datafromBitcoin remittance appBitwalareveals agrowing trend in Bitcoin acceptance amid citizens of developing countries

Bitwala, a Bitcoin-based remittance app, aggregate some user statistics in its blog column bygone in which we can see that Bitcoin is acceptable more accepted in assertive developing countries. The blog column reveals a “steep acceptance rate” in developing countries both from Africa and Asia, the two continents with the accomplished cardinal of unbanked citizens.

Bitwala reveals that, while their aboriginal adopters came from Europe and North America, the absolute cardinal of assurance ups from developing countries is communicable up to those of Europe and the U.S, authoritative up about 30% of new signups globally.

Among the developing countries, best are from North Africa, a arena that makes up for 4.4% of its website’s visitors.

This growing trend amid developing countries, area cyberbanking exclusion is the norm, reveals a growing charge for the citizens of these countries to collaborate with the apple abridgement and to admission cyberbanking services, about provided by banks. However, these regions are additionally the ones area cyberbanking account fees are the highest.

Bitwala explains:

According to Bitwala, banks are not anxious with banking admittance and adopt instead to allegation college fees in places area banking casework are harder to access, demography abounding advantage of their cartel in underbanked regions.

Africa mobile

This is one of the affidavit why Bitcoin is admired as a game-changer by some. It has the adeptness to bypass middlemen bank, enabling direct value alteration while empowering users while giving bodies added ascendancy over their money.

“The backbone of bitcoin and the blockchain technology that it relies on is that it allows you to accelerate money beyond borders after advantageous the abrupt fees answerable by acceptable gatekeepers like Western Union, MoneyGram, Ria and others,” Bitwala explains.

According to, the cheapest transaction fee for a Bitcoin transaction is currently at around $0.50, or 0.0003616 btc. While, admittedly, not ideal for microtransactions, it’s still cheaper than the 10-19% answerable by banks on “any transfers to, from and aural African countries.”

But bitcoin is not alone about cheaper remittances. It additionally gives bodies admission to a growing cardinal of banking casework including e-commerce, peer-to-peer loans, and money management platforms, provided they accept admission to an internet connection.


As added and added bodies in these regions become acquainted of Bitcoin and its adeptness to empower them and to accord them admission to banking casework globally and at abundant lower costs, Bitcoin will abide to allure users.

“People generally say call is the mother of apparatus but I like to say call is additionally the mother of adoption,” Lightning CEO Elizabeth Stark says in the new documentary Blockchain and Us.

Can Bitcoin advice citizens in developing countries accomplish banking prosperity? Let us apperceive what you anticipate in the animadversion section.

Images address of Bitwala, Shutterstock