Bombs NOT Bitcoin! | We Are At Risk | A Digital Ticking TimeBomb

Bombs NOT Bitcoin! | We Are At Risk | A Digital Ticking TimeBomb

THELOGICALINDIAN - Bombs NOT Bitcoin We Are At Risk A Digital Ticking Timebomb

Written By: Patrick ‘PK’ McDonnell

“Anyone Who Doesn’t Believe Over 25% Of The CoinMarketCap Total Value Isn’t Criminal, Drug Transaction’s & Hate Money Is Dilutional! It Comes With The Territory & Can Be Tamed. $USD Was Built Off The Drug Wars.”

Bitcoin, Blockchain, CryptocurrencyPossibly the greatest addition of mankind? So abounding new applications & blockchains being developed by the better names in business/finance that we can’t accumulate up! WOW! SUCH DISRUPTION! Regulation has infiltrated our association & continues on through accustomed progression.

But let’s booty a footfall aback & admit the best important aspects of acceptable a somewhat decentralized association with bound rules & regulations? Sounds abundant to me! Yet a little articulation in my head screams ‘security’! Not the blazon of aegis that protects customer wallets from hacker thefts, aegis as in ‘Homeland Security’.

‘We Are At Risk!’ ….. “Our association as a accomplished has accurate we charge rules & regulations on some akin to accumulate adjustment contrarily we accept anarchy & chaos.”

Bitcoin & it’s basal apple of sister chains ultimate survival or demise depends on abundant added than what the BTC bureaucracy is currently debating. Like any apparatus it can be acclimated for both evil & good. I am a cryptohead to the core! An apostle of decentralization, Outspoken marijuana supporter, etc.

But Bitcoin & it’s basal technology ‘Blockchain’ are a ‘digital active tombbomb’ that can anonymously be acclimated in nuclear war & terrorism alfresco of added things. It’s time as a association we abode this & appear to acceding on a abiding band-aid that monitors our communities IP Addresses & Blockchains, etc. anonymously for suspicious activities & money flows through mining rewards which address aberrant action clearly in association forums to appraise threats while eliminating risks of enabling the funding of terrorism, war or evil acts. Bitcoin was created for adequation not hatred!

Alternative Cryptocurrencies affectation the best accident for angry organizations to fly beneath the alarm & we as a agenda eco-system charge badge our communities if we seek accurate decentralization. A Blockchain is a proposed abridgement in abounding cases with that comes the albatross of a government like anatomy not an barter listing! If you are not economically complete leave the Blockchain alone. We cannot allow to about-face a dark eye. ‘See something, say something,’ innocent lives are at pale in the real-world. Wake up Bitcoiners!

COYOTE AFTER THOUGHT??? As a ancestor of two adolescent adults growing & active in The US, I cannot advice but anticipate for my children’s future. Our country is adversity from a abridgement of administration while our affluence are dwindling. As American’s we are captivated with debts & threats due to current/previous mis-management that destroyed what already was a abundant & affluent country. I adjure that the agenda bearing gets it’s appropriate with Blockchain Technology & cures the ills of our burst association not alone monetarily but morally. ~~~~~88~~~~~