Republican Congressman Reveals Crypto Assets

Republican Congressman Reveals Crypto Assets


Crypto has at atomic one added ballast in Washington, afterwards a Republican Congressman afresh outed himself as a crypto hodler. Rep. Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) submitted his anniversary financial disclosure, which included bashful assets in Bitcoin, Ethereum and Bitcoin Cash. 

According to the filings, Rep. Goodlatte and his wife accordingly acquire $15-50,000 of Bitcoin, forth with abate amounts of Bitcoin Cash and Ethereum.  The absolute amount of his assets ability ambit anywhere from  $17,000 to $80,000. That ability complete like a lot, but it’s a bead in the brazier compared to the couple’s added investments. 

While it’s nice to accept Goodlatte on board, the Congressman was additionally astute abundant to banknote out abreast the top: the disclosures announce three fractional sales of Bitcoin and Bitcoin Banknote in December of aftermost year, anniversary for beneath $15,000. 

It’s no abruptness that the Congressman has a few bill to his name. Goodlatte has been a adolescent traveller for several years, accepting announced in favor of cryptocurrencies as aboriginal as 2014; his son, Bobby Goodlatte, was an angel broker to Coinbase.  Crypto Briefing has appear on his crypto investments before, but this is the aboriginal time the Congressman has absorbed a cardinal to it.

Goodlatte is a founding armchair of the Congressional Blockchain Caucus, forth with Democratic Congressman Jared Polis and sixteen added Representatives. None of the others appear abundant catacomb hodlings, but Reps. Gianforte and Schweikert accept bidding absorption in cryptos before, and Senator Warner predicted that cryptocurrencies could reach  a $20 trillion bazaar cap.

No Pajamas in Sight

This is a rather abrupt adverse to addition Congressman who afresh opined that cryptocurrencies  are alone advantageous for ”…a few dozen men in my commune to sit in their pajamas all day and acquaint their wives they’re activity to be millionaires.”

The actuality that Goodlatte—who absolutely is a millionaire—has a bashful crypto portfolio is abundant to accomplish one admiration area the two men get their information.

As Crypto Briefing has appear before, Brad Sherman has some actual acceptable affidavit to accept that crypto is the absolute area of money launders and animal traffickers—his better donors are in Finance, Insurance and Real Estate, which contributed about $550,000 to his 2016 campaign. His better donations came from Allied Wallet, a acquittal provider with actual acceptable incentives to disbelief cryptocurrency. 

Goodlatte aloft $2.3 Mln in the 2024 acclamation cycle, almost a division of which came from the tech, internet and electronics industry. 

That’s not to advance that either Goodlatte or Sherman are actually in their donors’ pockets, but the actuality that one is backed by old-money accounts and the added by new technology industries may be a acceptable indicator of which Congressman is added crypto-literate. 


The author, like Bob Goodlatte, has investments in Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, and Ethereum.