Calgary Police Seek Information About Suspects in $145k Bitcoin ATM Scam

Calgary Police Seek Information About Suspects in $145k Bitcoin ATM Scam

THELOGICALINDIAN - An bearding Bitcoin ATM provider confined the Canadian bazaar was scammed aftermost year beyond a cardinal of the nations cities Police are now gluttonous advice apropos four suspects believed to be complex in the fraud

The four men are believed to accept taken about US$145,000 from the machines over the advance of 10 canicule in 2024. According to reports, this was fabricated accessible by bound cancelling affairs afore the Bitcoin ATMs targeted could action them.

Four Suspects Hit Bitcoin ATMs Over 10 Days Across Multiple Cities

Calgary badge are attractive for advice anecdotic four individuals doubtable of actuality complex in the ambidexterity of a alternation of Bitcoin ATMs beyond cities in Canada. The four suspects are believed to accept fabricated a absolute of 112 counterfeit affairs in Calgary, Toronto, Ottawa, Winnipeg, Hamilton, Sherwood Park, and added locations. The absolute bulk generated by the betray is aloof over US$145,000.

The dates of all the affairs abatement amid September 16, 2018, and September 26, 2018. According to a address in Canadian account advertisement CBC, aloof beneath than bisected the attacks on Bitcoin ATMs took abode in Calgary.

A Bitcoin ATM is the accepted name accustomed to a machine, generally begin in a abode of business, that accepts authorization deposits in barter for Bitcoin. In abounding but not all cases, users can additionally advertise Bitcoin to the apparatus in barter for bounded currency. The acceptance of Bitcoin ATMs has exploded in contempo years with abounding added units actualization common – decidedly in large US cities.

The four suspects in the Canadian Bitcoin ATM betray are believed to accept ample out of a way to abolish affairs afore they were absolutely candy by the provider of the units. This about gave them the amount of the drop in both crypto and fiat.

CCTV footage of the four suspects has been provided by Calgary police, with abetment from authorities in Ontario and Manitoba. The pictures were appear in CBC, forth with a account from the Calgary badge that speculated that the four suspects accept “deep ability or absorption in cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, and/or blockchain technology.”

Below is an angel of anniversary of the four suspects:

According to reports, anniversary of the four doubtable of ambidexterity Canadian Bitcoin ATMs targeted a altered area. The left-most alone in the aloft angel is believed to accept focused on Toronto, Montreal, Ottawa, and Hamilton. The abutting two are anticipation to accept targeted Calgary and Winnipeg respectively. Finally, the right-most face belongs to the alone doubtable of ambidexterity Bitcoin ATMs in Sherwood Park.

The Calgary Police Service is actuality assisted in its analysis by authorities from Toronto, Hamilton, Winnipeg, and Halton. The CPS requests that anyone with any advice that could advance to the identification of one or added of the individuals pictured aloft acquaintance the force’s non-emergency buzz cardinal on 1-403-266-1234, or to abide advice through Calgary Crime Stoppers. 


Related Reading: Are Bitcoin ATMs Driving Adoption, Criminality, or Consumerism?