Cape Town to Host Inaugural Bitcoin Africa Conference

Cape Town to Host Inaugural Bitcoin Africa Conference

THELOGICALINDIAN - Victoria and Alfred Waterfront in Cape Town South Africa is activity to host the countdown Bitcoin African Conference on April 16 and 17 2024 The twoday accident will accompany calm merchants investors adventure capitalists startups and Bitcoin enthusiasts who are all attractive to move Bitcoin advanced in Africa

Also Read:  Bitcoin – Empowering Rural Economy’s and Protecting the Elephants in Africa

Bitcoin Africa Appointment 2015 SpeakersThe organizers of the Bitcoin Africa Appointment plan to address abounding of the issues surrounding Bitcoin, as able-bodied as the abeyant that Bitcoin offers individuals and businesses alike. The appointment aims to accommodate an all-embracing compassionate of the following:


Finalization of Speakers

The organizer of the event, “Bitcoin Events Pty Ltd.,” has completed the all-important assignment to finalize the agenda of speakers speakers. The names of speakers accommodate architect of South African Bitcoin barter ICE3X, Gareth Grobelar; Jonathan Smit, architect of the aboriginal payments processing account in South Africa to acquire Bitcoin, PayFast; co-founder and arch controlling administrator (CEO) of Bitcoin remittance belvedere BitPesa; and Elizabeth Rossiello. Vinny Lingham will be the keynote speaker.

Elizabeth Rossiello trusts the abeyant Bitcoin has back she says it is a low-cost, open-source technology that gives start-ups and entrepreneurs actual admission to robust, scalable, and transactional software. She admits that BitPesa would accept never been able to abound as fast as were it not for the Bitcoin technology. It is this acid bend that has so thoroughly affiliated businesses and trading desks about the world.

Gareth Grobelar additionally shares agnate views; he says that Africa is abounding of opportunities for entrepreneurs who can accommodate solutions to problems area accuracy and decentralized assurance is necessary. According to Grobelar, the blockchain affords companies the befalling to body decentralized administration systems guaranteeing candor and adequation throughout the accumulation chain. This can empower anybody to accomplish bigger futures and allow the amusement of the assets Africa provides.

Why is the Bitcoin Africa Conference Important?

In a contempo report,  BBC said that added than 30 actor Africans alive about the apple as casual workers and accept beatific about $40bn (£26.5bn) home in 2014. Most of the east African countries are abased on remittances. The address claims that the boilerplate per casual is about $1,200, apery 5% of GDP on a country-by-country average.

The above affair casual workers face is the college amount of appointment money to their ancestors in Africa. According to the Overseas Development Institute, Africans in the Diaspora pay an boilerplate of 12.3% to money transmitters to accelerate $200. The acceptable acquittal processors Western Union and MoneyGram ascendancy added than bisected of the remittance bazaar in best Sub-Saharan African countries. Due to abridgement of competition, these companies accept never been affected to abate the fees; instead, barter are affected to pay ample fees.

Bitcoin Could Ease the Pain of Africa’s Migrant Workers

Elizabeth Rossiello says that acclaim cards are alone accessible to beneath than 3% of the citizenry in sub-Saharan Africa, and PayPal is either blocked or is actual big-ticket to use in abounding countries. Similarly, coffer transfers and remittance corridors in Africa are two to three times college than the amount answerable in added areas. Rossiello argues that Bitcoin provides the band-aid to these problems, advertence that BitPesa allows workers across to accelerate money home to Kenya and Ghana for a collapsed fee of 3%.

Tickets for the Bitcoin Africa Conference are accessible here. The organizers are accepting Bitcoin as able-bodied for tickets.

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