FinCEN Rehires Chainalysis Exec to ‘Confront Emerging Threats’
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FinCEN Rehires Chainalysis Exec to ‘Confront Emerging Threats’

THELOGICALINDIAN - Chainalysis arch abstruse admonition Michael Mosier will acknowledgment to the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network in a new role as Deputy Director and Digital Innovation Officer According to FinCEN Director Kenneth Blanco Mosier is the appropriate being with the appropriate abilities at absolutely the appropriate time

FinCEN Seeks Help Engaging Industry and Government Partners

As per the official release on the FinCEN website, the agency of the U.S. Department of the Treasury is hiring Mosier aback on its administration aggregation to bigger liaise amid altered parties. Blanco stated:

Mosier was alive with FinCEN as the agency’s arch of cardinal advance above-mentioned to abutting crypto analytics close Chainalysis in June 2024. He has spent the aftermost few months confined as the company’s arch abstruse counsel. In his new role, he will be allowance the agency with its work:

Moving Toward Major Reform?

Beyond his abstruse and cardinal capabilities, Mosier brings with him all-encompassing ability of blockchain technology as able-bodied as a abundance of acknowledged experience. He ahead served as agent arch in the U.S. Department of Justice’s Money Laundering and Asset Recovery Section as able-bodied as accessory administrator of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control. 

In addition, Mosier formed as administrator for transnational organized abomination on the White House National Security Council and carved out his aboriginal career with the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office.

According to Law360, with Mosier’s guidance, FinCEN is potentially basic for an “array of reforms.” These accommodate the accessible administration of bills alien to the U.S. House and Senate aftermost year which would astrict new corporations to acknowledge their ultimate animal owners. They would additionally accept to amend their advice periodically with FinCEN. This would mark the “first abundant anti-money bed-making reforms in about two decades.”

If incorporated, the bills would advice to strengthen the bureau’s position by giving it tougher AML penalties to accomplish forth with bigger affluence of advice administration with banking institutions. They would additionally accessible the aperture to added modifications in the AML framework such as adjustments to the requirements back advertisement apprehensive activity.

What do you accomplish of FinCEN’s latest hiring? Add your thoughts below!

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