CleverCoin Incubated by Boost VC: Exclusive interview

CleverCoin Incubated by Boost VC: Exclusive interview

THELOGICALINDIAN - CleverCoin allows accessible cellophane and defended exchanging of Bitcoins Originating in 2024 the absolute barter was developed and is currently maintained beneath its own administration Over the aftermost year Clevercoin has been convalescent and growing

Catching the absorption of abounding people, Boost VC absitively to baddest Clevercoin to assignment with. I had the befalling to allocution to Paul Buitink, business administrator over at CleverCoin, apropos this new and agitative headline.

Describe to me what casework CleverCoin provides. 

CleverCoin is a European barter based in The Netherlands with a cyberbanking and acquittal accomplice in France. We accordingly action added reliable jurisdictions than best added European competitors. Furthermore we’re actual simple to use, accommodate abundant appraisement and action several acquittal methods like iDEAL, SEPA, Visa and MasterCard.

What makes CleverCoin altered from added Bitcoin exchanges in Europe?

 Simpler than best exchanges and based in Western Europe. We additionally accept abundant appearance like acclaim agenda payments and for archetype a letter account in which we accelerate a letter to a chump instead of allurement for a affidavit of abode during verification. And of advance we focus on actuality actual defended as able-bodied with things like 2 agency affidavit and algid storage.

 Can you busy on your new accord with Boost VC?

Boost VC has called us to be allotment of their accelerator programme. This allows us to assignment in San Mateo, US, a few months and aggrandize our arrangement dramatically. Plus the Draper ancestors has invested in CleverCoin acceptance us to abound alike faster.

Through the partnership, how are you planning on developing CleverCoin with what you accretion from Boost?

Boost lets us accommodated key industry players and financiers through which we can aggrandize our advance and fulfil our mission to become the better European exchange. We assignment carefully calm with some of fastest growing bitcoin companies of the world, mentored by actual accomplished VC’s and CEO’s from companies like Bitgo, Circle and Box.

Why do you anticipate CleverCoin was called by Boost VC to be incubated?

We’ve apparent advantageous advance back we opened our doors in September of 2024. Already we accept added than 6000 registered users and a growing adjustment book and volume. They like how avant-garde we are and the business access we have.

What aegis measures are taken to assure barter Bitcoins? 

We implemented 2 agency authentication, algid accumulator and abundant more. Read added about our aegis here.

Any accessible adventitious of accretion into the US or Asia?

For now we focus on Europe, but in the added abroad approaching we’d adulation to account bodies from added continents as well!

Venture Capitalism funds are abounding into Bitcoin at an absorbing rate, assuming the aplomb that investors accept in Bitcoin companies and alongside the abeyant that Bitcoin has. CleverCoin is aloof one of the few companies that are actuality called to advance the aboriginal beachcomber of Bitcoin companies to the mainstream.

Photo Sources: CleverCoin

Do you use Clevercoins services? What do you anticipate of them? Let us apperceive in the comments below!