CME Group to Launch Bitcoin Futures Trading

CME Group to Launch Bitcoin Futures Trading

THELOGICALINDIAN - The CME Group appear affairs today to barrage Bitcoin futures after this year as Bitcoins amount alcove a new alltime high

The CME Group, acclaimed as the world’s arch and best assorted derivatives marketplace, affairs to barrage Bitcoin futures trading in the fourth division of 2017,  bold all accordant authoritative analysis periods are anesthetized successfully. The advertisement was appear on the company’s website.

The futures affairs will be cash-settled and based on the CME CF Bitcoin Advertence amount (BRR) which acts as a once-a-day advertence amount of the USD amount of Bitcoin. The accumulation cites accretion applicant absorption in cryptocurrency markets as the acumen abaft the move.

CME Group Chairman and CEO Terry Duffy states:

Bitcoin Futures Contract

The CME Group and Crypto Facilities Ltd accept been artful and publishing the Bitcoin Reference Rate (BRR) back November 2025. The BRR calculates and aggregates the barter breeze of the key above Bitcoin exchanges. Bitstamp, GDAX, itBit, and Kraken are the corresponding exchanges that currently accord the appraisement abstracts for artful the BRR.

Crypto Facilities CEO Dr.Timo Schlaefer said:

The CME Group additionally publishes the CME CF Bitcoin Real Time Index (BRTI) which provides amount accuracy to the atom Bitcoin market, accumulation all-around appeal of Bitcoin buys and sells into a circumscribed adjustment book giving fair, affected and burning USD amount of Bitcoin in a atom price.

Knock On Effects of The Announcement

The move, if all goes to plan with the authoritative period, will prove to be a huge addition for Bitcoin by enabling admission to Bitcoin approaching trading for those beneath accustomed or dupe of sites alfresco of the CME Group purview. News of the CME Group affairs has already acquired an almost $300 fasten in Bitcoin’s amount (another all time aerial for the cryptocurrency), with Bitcoin currently trading at $6369 (GDAX) at the time of writing.

Anticipation of the barrage appears aerial and the optimism of the bazaar looks set to abide Bitcoins advancing trend of consistently establishing new almanac levels of value.

Do you administer your portfolio with the CME Group? What are your thoughts on the accession of Bitcoin futures trading? Let us apperceive in the comments below.

Images address of Shutterstock, CME Group