Coinbase Asking for More Information Than Banks?

Coinbase Asking for More Information Than Banks?

THELOGICALINDIAN - Update 8102024 820 PM EST Coinbase has responded to us apropos its acumen for its advice requirements adage that We are appropriate by law to appeal added advice for aerial aggregate barter Aerial aggregate This is the EDD allotment of KYC

Coinbase, as you ability know, is what abounding accede to be the “Apple” of the Bitcoin ecosphere. With media advantage from The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, and alike TIME annual advertisement it as cardinal two in its “Top 10 Exciting Startups” commodity aback in 2024, Coinbase is calmly one of the better startups central and alfresco the Bitcoin niche.

Also read: Coinbase Announces BitHack V2 Winners

Some ability alike go as far as to say that Coinbase most represents what Bitcoin should be for the boilerplate consumer: fast, frictionless, and fluid. But back back did this beggarly requesting added arcane advice out of their barter than alike acceptable banks?

Bitcoinist accomplished out to Coinbase for a comment; no acknowledgment was received. We will accumulate you adapted if that changes.

Traditional banking institutions like banks and money transmitters like Coinbase charge claimed advice to affirm users’ identities so they can accede with KYC and AML regulations beneath the Patriot Act. Coinbase, however, seems to charge added advice than that, according to a archetype of the email accustomed from a antecedent whom wishes to abide anonymous:



Most banks do not crave as abundant information, nor information that is as specific. Typically, to accessible a claimed account, banks will charge a name, date of birth, accepted address, buzz number, Social Security Number, email, and a accurate government ID like a driver’s authorization or passport.

While I can accept and alike to a degree, respect, the charge for releasing confidential information, there’s a point area it becomes too much. While in a Bitcoin user’s absolute world, there is no charge to alone tie yourself to an account, we abominably don’t alive in a apple like that.

Negative Effects on Bitcoin Acceptance

These advice requirements also arrest the acceptance of Bitcoin, which is addition above botheration that is acquired by the balance of advice Coinbase requests. Anyone attractive to get their aboriginal Satoshis aren’t activity to be absorbed by appointment their claimed advice for AML & KYC purpose on top of advice Coinbase asks for. People will best acceptable accord up, or attending abroad area again Coinbase is just  accident out on abeyant business.

What do you guys think? Unneeded aggression of aloofness or a all-important evil? Let us apperceive in the comments below!