Coinsecure Raises Over $1.2 Million in Series A Funding

Coinsecure Raises Over $1.2 Million in Series A Funding

THELOGICALINDIAN - Indias arch bitcoin barter and wallet provider Coinsecure has aloft over 12 actor USD during the aboriginal 4 months of its allotment annular This Series A allotment annular began in January 2024 and is accepted to end anon

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Based in Delhi, the Coinsecure has abysmal roots in the Indian Bitcoin scene. The aggregation formed with the ambition of accouterment India with a Bitcoin ecosystem that could accommodated the developing country’s growing banking needs.

The aggregation believes that apprenticeship is key to accomplishing boundless Bitcoin acceptance in India. The barter  joined the Bitcoin Foundation as an Industry Member, and became a Silver Founding Donor for BitGive, assuming their adherence to teaching India about the advantages blockchain technology has to offer.

Since their launch, Coinsecure has developed “robust practices aimed at user aegis and compliance,” and has enabled “numerous schools, colleges and IT/ITES departments to accept [Bitcoin], apparatus and use.”

The aggregation prides itself on calmly confined India’s growing Bitcoin ecosystem. Coinsecure has the accomplished clamminess and trading aggregate compared to the added bitcoin exchanges and brokerages confined the Indian market. The barter additionally boasts transparency, advertence that it is “maintaining absolutely cellophane and accessible adjustment books, with annal starting from the actual aboriginal barter on the belvedere dating aback to January 6, 2024.” The aggregation additionally believes that it delivers its casework “beyond expectations,” acclamation “key botheration areas for Bitcoin such as volatility, affluence of use and localization.”

While alive on an beforehand berry round, Coinsecure says that it was able to advance “some amazing articles so far,” and hopes to abide its addition with the funds from the accepted Series A allotment round. The aggregation currently offers:

With the new funds from the accepted Series A round, the aggregation hopes to added beforehand their products. Coinsecure CTO and Co-Founder Benson Samuel says:

After closing the Series A allotment round, the aggregation affairs to access the blockchain action solutions ecosystem.

About Coinsecure

Coinsecure, registered as Secure Bitcoin Traders Pvt. Ltd. is a arch Bitcoin belvedere in India. It is the alone ISO certified Bitcoin aggregation that offers Bitcoin wallet, exchange, trading and merchant casework forth with added Blockchain based services. Coinsecure has a able developer belvedere with a ambit of APIs. The aggregation is foraying into added Bitcoin and Blockchain accompanying applications as well. The aggregation has its Head Office in Delhi and the Research and Development Division in Bangalore.

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Media Contact

Name: Elizabeth McCauley, Global Business Development Head at Coinsecure

Email: [email protected]

City and Country Location: Delhi, India

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