Dream Lover: Models Sending Pictures for Bitcoin

Dream Lover: Models Sending Pictures for Bitcoin

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Bitcoin enables users to accumulate a assertive akin of anonymity back administering business on the internet. Back affairs items from addition in a agenda form, there is no charge to acknowledge any of your claimed information. Back it comes to online gaming or gambling, Bitcoin allows bodies to bold after abrogation affirmation on acclaim agenda statements. Now, Dream Lover allows bodies to pay for their basic accord belvedere with Bitcoin. With this service, bodies can appoint with online dating while application the about anonymity of Bitcoin to abstain the stigma associated with the practice.

Also read: Bitnik’s Reload Enables Bitcoin Repurchasing

The Skepticism About Online Dating and Virtual Relationships

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Our association has acquired at a accelerated pace, which can be in allotment be attributed to new technologies acceptable accessible to accustomed consumers. When the internet gained mainstream absorption two decades ago, bodies started ambience up websites and communicating with added bodies about the world.

Over the accomplished few years, abounding of our circadian activities accept taken on a agenda aspect as well. No one would accept estimated that so abounding of us would be arcade on sites such as Amazon added generally than activity to a concrete store. Even banal things like ordering aliment is now done via the internet.

Our amusing lives accept “lives” of their own on the internet. Amusing media are arena an more important role in the circadian activity of abounding people. Platforms such as Facebook and Twitter are acceptable a additional “identity” for a lot of users, and aggregate has to be aggregate with accompany and followers.

However, one online aspect of activity that still faces a lot of criticism and skepticism: online dating. Love comes to us in abounding forms, though, and aloof because a relationship starts online does not accomplish it beneath real. Nevertheless, abounding bodies still see online dating as abnormal, not accessory to basic accepted relationships, and accordingly abash the practice. Thus, bodies agreeable in online dating generally try to accumulate their activities abstruse from their friends, family, and peers.

Keeping a assertive akin of anonymity back signing up for online dating or basic accord casework is rather difficult, though, as best of these platforms allegation a account fee. That fee has to be paid with a acclaim agenda or bank transfer; it goes after adage that having a dating armpit on a acclaim agenda or coffer account ability out addition aggravating to accumulate his or her online dating activity a secret. If alone Bitcoin were a acquittal option.

Dream Lover Now Accepting Bitcoin Payments

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Dream Lover is a belvedere specializing in basic relationships amid users and able models. Once a user has active up for the service, he or she can accelerate texts and alike accept pictures from the archetypal of his or her choosing. To accord their users some akin of anonymity back advantageous for the service, Dream Lover has started accepting Bitcoin payments.

The bodies abaft Dream Lover are additionally complex in Naughty America, an developed ball aggregation that additionally accepts Bitcoin payments through its website. From the advice we acquire received, it appears as if the plan to acquire Bitcoin on Naughty America has been accounted successful, which is allotment of the acumen why Dream Lover absitively to acquire the agenda currency.

Dream Lover CEO Andreas Hronopoulos stated:

What are your thoughts on Bitcoin accepting by platforms such as Dream Lover? Let us apperceive in the comments below!

Source: Press Release via Email

Images Courtesy of Dream Lover and Shutterstock