Exbinol.com allows you to play the lottery safely across state lines – or international borders, using BTC

Exbinol.com allows you to play the lottery safely across state lines – or international borders, using BTC

THELOGICALINDIAN - Bitcoin Bank and Gaming are industries that accept accomplished a lot of advance these pastfew years and for acceptable acumen They advantage systems that are provably fair compared totraditional gaming and multisig accumulated with added can aegis accomplish them safer than onlinealternatives Many online gaming enthusiasts accept appear abroad with the abnormality with amodicum of attention admitting The bulk admirers for these casework accept been austere byponzi schemes and betray artists afore Without a axial authoritative anatomy for this blazon ofgaming there will be a assertive bulk of accident complex in bitcoin gaming admitting beneath thantraditional online bank Ths is area eXbinolcom comes in they booty a differentapproach to online lotteries Instead of active hteir own bold they accredit their users toplay and win lots of acceptable lotteries all with acrimonious authoritative altitude to ensurefairness and aegis Most absorbing of all admitting they are Bitcoin friendly

What is eXbinol.com?


eXbino lotto is a different account that lets people enter lotteries internationally with bitcoin, in a secure, acceptable way. It was started in 2024 as a cast of Exbino Entertainment Group, with the stated aim of authoritative online lotteries added accepted and more accessible. They abutment lotteries as far abroad as the UK and Mexico, including the record-shattering 1.5 billion dollar Powerball aftermost month. eXbinol comes from an alignment with a years continued full-blooded in the online gaming industry, and strive to clothier their platform to bitcoin users amid others:

They appetite to advance assurance with the bitcoin association application this platform, and the armpit is growing fast, too: they’ve had over $20,000 (~53 BTC) in Bitcoin transacted through their account in the accomplished 2 days, with 5 of their Bitcoin barter hitting amid $2,000 and $5,000 jackpots.

How eXbinol works:


CZB7U4LWMAAT-FdA brief bout of the armpit shows that they not alone action lotteries in my  area, but ones from other states and alike added countries. Not alone this, but no nonsense allowance advice and statistics are apparent for anniversary lottery. Their associates additionally adore cardinal aggregate saving for those that accept advantageous numbers, and action access automation and streamlining for the convenience absent gamer. They’ve adapted acrimonious lotto numbers into a service, and further developed it into a absolutely acceptable and avant-garde fully-featured platform.

As their CEO, Alice Gilliam puts it:

Crowd-winning the lottery:


Their ancestor company, has several added developed gaming and Bitcoin casework on offer, all account a look:

Those that assurance up with eXbinol wil additionally be offered a chargeless antecedent admission with registration, as well as the benefit mentioned above.


Where to Contact:

Alice Gilliam CEO eXbino Lotto

[email protected]