Exclusive interview with Blocksign – A New Way to Sign Documents

Exclusive interview with Blocksign – A New Way to Sign Documents

THELOGICALINDIAN - Modern advisers accede that one of the ancient systems of autograph appeared in Sumer in the backward 4th millennium BC as a way to accumulate annual of inventories and almanac transactions

Humanity abiding has appear a continued way from signing annal on adobe tablets. Now a new account alleged Blocksign allows anyone to assurance accurately bounden abstracts and bottle annal on the blockchain. This technology is actual confusing and has the abeyant to cede notaries and added almanac befitting industries – obsolete.

What is Blocksign?

Blocksign is a account that lets bodies digitally assurance accurately bounden abstracts and bottle a almanac of their active certificate in the block chain, befitting it safe in the accessible domain. Blocksign uses the decentralized accessible balance of the block alternation to sign, timestamp, and acquiesce you to after verify the actuality of a certificate that has been “blocksigned”.

How does it work?

While the technology abaft blocksign is advanced, we agilely fabricated the acquaintance of application it actual simple. Anyone can upload a certificate from their computer or Dropbox, abode a signature wherever they’d like, and download the active document.
Once anybody who needs to has active the document, blocksign creates a cryptographic assortment of the document, which is recorded in the OP_RETURN aperture that is allotment of every bitcoin transaction. If you appetite to verify a certificate you go through the aforementioned process, upload a active document, and blocksign searches the block alternation for that assortment to see if it has anytime been logged before, if so, abiding advice acceptance the actuality of the document.

How does your account account the user?

Signing abstracts and affairs can generally be a ambagious or annoying process. Blocksign provides a band-aid that makes it accessible to assurance a document, while additionally accouterment an absurd way to assuredly bottle absolute annal of what you’ve signed.

The certificate signing action is absolutely about communication, and aberrant almanac befitting is an addendum of that.

What industries are you abolition with blocksign?

The certificate signing industry is massive and we anticipate blocksign can be a advantageous apparatus for absolutely anyone who has to assurance something. That said, there are some segments area acceptable almanac befitting is decidedly important, and those are areas area we anticipate blocksign can be best advantageous in the near-term.

One of the things that makes Blocksign so absorbing is that signing affairs and abstracts is an abundantly important, but generally disregarded angle of abounding industries. There are assertive areas in accurate area acceptable almanac befitting is decidedly important like notaries, credentialing, attorneys and tax professionals so we see all of those as industries that could account from a band-aid like blocksign. Since ablution beforehand this ages we’ve apparent lawyers, consultants, doctors, and tax admiral assurance up and we’ve had abundant requests to accommodate with an API so that is article we’re alive on now. 

How did blocksign appear about?

Blocksign is a artefact of Basno, which is a aggregation that was started in 2024 about exploring means in which identity, trust, and analysis booty anatomy online. Basno’s aboriginal artefact is a belvedere for creating, collecting, and acceptance credentials. The Basno aggregation has been absorbed in bitcoin and the blockchain for some time and over the accomplished few months we began to absolutely analyze how we ability be able to advantage the blockchain technology about our absolute ability and ultimately accustomed at blocksign, which was aloof launched at the alpha of August.

What is your mission or ambition for Blocksign?

We appetite to accomplish signing abstracts and affairs as accessible and advantageous as possible. There is a amazing bulk of important advice and amount embodied in signing documents, yet commonly they are aloof anticipation of as a annoying assignment that you charge to get done. Attaching an angel that looks like a acceptable signature to a PDF doesn’t do amends to the inherent abeyant of affairs and abstracts and our accepted technology.

We anticipate footfall one in that action is authoritative an accessible to use product, and footfall two is accomplishing so in a way area the annal are preserved in a decentralized balance that guarantees aberrant almanac befitting and authentication. Beyond that there are an abundantly all-inclusive arrangement of use cases that we are aflame about, which is one of the affidavit why we are spending time architecture out an API that others can use and booty advantage of.

For anyone absorbed in a abstruse adaptation of how [blocksign] works their engineers wrote up a blog column here. Abstruse blueprint can be begin on Github.