Hiveage Now Lets You Bill Clients in Bitcoin

Hiveage Now Lets You Bill Clients in Bitcoin

THELOGICALINDIAN - Bitcoin can be becoming in abounding means and there are absolutely a few bodies out there who wouldnt apperception accepting at atomic allotment oftheir account allowance in bitcoin This is abnormally accurate forsmall business owners and freelancersit can be absolutely the altercation to delay for funds to appear through acceptable acquittal casework Hiveage one of the best accepted online announcement casework is now accepting Bitcoin payments

Also read: RE/MAX London Accepts Bitcoin for Rent Payments

Hiveage: Popular Billing Service for Freelancers & Small Businesses


The credo abaft Hiveage is simple and elegant: creating a belvedere that allows freelancers and online businesses to automate their online announcement functions. While there are already several casework that let you actualize invoices, Hiveage hopes to accommodate a added automated experience. This aggregation claims to accommodate an easier, faster and added acceptable way to balance audience and accumulate clue of payments.

Hiveage also prides itself on its adaptability in meting the needs of anniversary user. Hiveage offers altered appraisement structures and functions, all of which can calibration to the customers’ demands. As of columnist time, Hiveage casework over 45,000 barter in added than 140 altered countries, with a ample allotment of its user abject amid in Europe.

Increasing Focus on the EU Market


Hiveage wants to focus on the EU bazaar in 2024 and beyond. With over 20% of its user abject amid in Europe — mostly in The Netherlands and Germany — the aggregation is alive adamantine to body partnerships in the continent. If all goes to plan, accepted acquittal methods such as iDEAL, SOFORT and GiroPay will be added to the Hiveage belvedere in the abutting few months.

In fact, it looks like the starting point for Hiveage’s European amplification will be Amsterdam, basic of The Netherlands. On March 26 of 2024, Hiveage assembly abounding the Uprise Startup Festival in Amsterdam. While there, the assembly noticed that startups and freelance assignment are accretion markets in and about Amsterdam.

Coinbase Integration for Bitcoin Payments


Hiveage’s partnership best amid several bitcoin acquittal processors came bottomward to one aspect: which aggregation has the widest reach, both in the US and in Europe? Coinbase’s casework can be acclimated in added than 20 countries about the apple — including several European countries — which apparel Hiveage’s expansions affairs the best at this time.

And that best was not aloof based on their barter belvedere services, but additionally because Coinbase offers their Bitcoin wallet service. Ever back Coinbase broadcast their business to across market, the aggregation has apparent a ample advance of its user base, which has anesthetized the 2.1 actor mark aloof recently. Integrating your Coinbase annual with Hiveage takes a few account of your time and is accountable to a account fee of $1.95 USD.

Would you accede application Hiveage? Let us apperceive in the comments below!

Source: PRWeb

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