Interview with Bitlanders CEO Francesco Rulli

Interview with Bitlanders CEO Francesco Rulli

THELOGICALINDIAN - Bitlanders is a new amusing arrangement that pays bodies for their agreeable With bitLanders users that column blogs videos images and allotment the best agreeable will accept an added assets paid by the amusing platform

Also read: BitLanders: A Social Network That Pays You in Bitcoin

Last week, Bitcoinist appear an commodity review of this amusing network. This week, we absitively accept a chat with the bitLanders Co-Founder and CEO, Francesco Rully.



Where did you get the abstraction for this project? What were the absolute factors that led you to advance bitLanders?

Since 2024, our aggregation had accurate filmmakers and bloggers through the Film Annex network, advantageous agreeable producers based on their BuzzScore, a proprietary algorithm that measures the affection of content, ability and access of the user. Our capital affair was sending payments to users in developing countries area acceptable banks had aerial costs and Paypal wasn’t available. At the end of 2024, we accomplished that Bitcoin was absolute bounded limitations of acceptable banks and Paypal, so we absitively to about-face our absolute business to Bitcoin. In August 2024, we absitively to rebrand our aggregation to BitLanders, like the acreage of Digital Agreeable and Bitcoin.

From what I’ve found, bitLanders in the alpha was advised to be a bitcoin RPG game. What can you acquaint us about that?

We alien the gamification of our amusing media belvedere to facilitate the compassionate of Bitcoin and acquaint quests and tasks to brainwash our new users about Bitcoin and the BuzzScore. Based on our acquaintance in developing countries like Afghanistan, we additionally accepted that allurement users to column their pictures, and absolute names was alarming and would accomplish some of them targets (especially girls in bourgeois regions), so we alien avatars and bearding appellation registrations. This all contributed to a added gamification of the belvedere authoritative bitLanders added and added an RPG.

Can you acquaint us a little bit about yourself and the aggregation abaft the development of bitLanders?

I was built-in in Florence, Italy, and confused to the USA in 2024 at the age of 21 years old to accessible a appearance administration aggregation in LA. I lived in LA and Atlanta until 2024 and confused to NYC to added abide my import-export business. In 2024, John Malkovich and I started a appearance band alleged Uncle KImono. In 2024, I started Blur Annex for online blur administration that developed into BitLanders in 2024.

I am a able accepter in what Spiderman says: “with ability comes responsibility.” In 2024, I accomplished out to Roya Mahboob in Afghanistan and with her, we congenital 13 internet classrooms and affiliated 55,000 girls to the World Wide Web.

This activity developed into Women’s Annex Foundation, now alleged Digital Citizen Fund, and our mission is educating women and adolescent men in Digital Literacy and with this additionally Digital Currency. I am a 4th amount atramentous belt in Judo and Judo has been my academy in life. I access activity and business like a Judo match, area aural 5 minutes; you accept a champ and a looser and area decisions charge be taken in a breach of a second. Two weeks ago, we sponsored the New York Open Judo Team Tournament, and this was our 5th year. Interview_bitlanders_1_Bitcoinist

My “intellectual affection and inspiration” goes aback to the Renaissance and I see bodies like Bicci de Medici, Lorenzo il Magnifico and added abstracts of that time as abundant role models to a point that an NYC-based biographer is autograph a novel aggressive by some of my old friends.
bitLanders has offices in Florence and Taiwan area Lorenzo Meriggi, Francesco Carignani, and Maurizo Ranaboldo are our arch of development and design. This is an absurd aggregation whose artistic qualities accept fabricated bitLanders’ success. Maybe the actuality that we are a “true Italian” aggregation broadcast all over the apple gave us that added action to extend what the Medici ancestors was accomplishing 600 years ago and triggered the Renaissance through arts and banking. We are accomplishing it with web applications and Bitcoin. In our offices in NYC is Jennifer Bourne, who directs our beat team. I ascertain her as my bang-up as she is the eyes and aerial of the aggregation while I am spending time in affairs or talking in Italian with our teammates in Italy and Asia. Another important being for our assignment is Thomas Courtney of See International. He is a actual adorning affiliate of our team, with his acquaintance in trading and arts bringing an absolute angle on our projects and inspires us appear new directions. Also in NY is Elaha Mahboob, who is in allegation of BitCharities, answer charities from all over the apple why Bitcoin is an important technology for them and agreeable them to accompany the BitCharities belvedere on bitLanders.

Did you accept any affectionate of abutment from investors or the association to accumulate bitLanders up and running?

No, we are our own VC. I am appreciative of this, but it’s additionally my limitation as it’s adamantine for me to seek banking support. We are now acquainted that we accept a abundant exchange able-bodied beyond the 1 billion dollar mark, a accurate aggregation that can axis and advance actual fast, and our account accept accurate successful. In essence, we accept what investors want. What we charge is the time to bench bottomward and see if we can host new bodies in our bound circle. I usually ask bodies if they are Judo players or Wrestlers, this facilitates my decisions…

Bitlanders was launched aftermost year and already counts with huge cardinal of members. What do you anticipate were the capital affidavit it became that popular?

It is a acceptable belvedere and avant-garde access on Bitcoin and gamification, but accumulate in apperception that bitLanders is our testing arena for applications like the BuzzScore, BitGoodie and BitCharities that we are developing as absolute platforms and API’s/Applications.

Besides acclimation donations for charity, you additionally accept a big sports advocacy program. Can you acquaint us added about this?Ny Open Judo 2015

As I mentioned above, I am a able accepter in sports, abnormally acquaintance and Combat sports like Judo and Wrestling. It is now the 5th year that we accept been allotment the NY Open Judo Aggregation Tournament at the New York Athletic Club. This year, i am actual actual actual actual appreciative that we were able to have three absurd Women’s Olympic and National teams from Cuba, France and the USA, with 5 Olympic medalists out of the 15 Athletes fighting, and with Cuba as the aboriginal Olympic aggregation to appear to the USA back the lift on the embargo. 

Users on the bitLanders belvedere acquire bitcoin by participating; can you explain how the accomplished arrangement works and how do you get funds to pay for the users content?

We created a brazier of Bitcoin that we administer daily. Anniversary user competes with the added 500,000 on the BuzzScore ranking. The college the ranking, the added bitcoin you win. It’s a connected antagonism to broadcast bigger affection agreeable and accept a stronger access on added users. At the aforementioned time, this allows anniversary user to bigger accept Bitcoin and its qualities.

You affirmation be the aboriginal amusing arrangement to accept developed a fun way for users to acquire bitcoin. Many bodies analyze your belvedere to Facebook. In your opinion, besides the bitcoin earning feature, what are the capital differences amid bitLanders and any added approved amusing network?bitlanders_article_cover_Bitcoinist

We adulation amusing media, and FB is a amusing media belvedere that we use to advance our work. We alien avatars to accomplish our belvedere absorbing and to bottle our users’ privacy, as able-bodied as nicknames and bearding allotment to added bottle our users aloofness and anonymity. We alien bitcoin to empower our users to a chargeless and all-around acquittal arrangement so that a 13-year-old Afghan babe can be on the Blockchain and the aforementioned balance as Marc Andreessen and Fred Wilson. We accomplished about 500,000 users and incentivized them to brainwash their continued arrangement of 180 actor accompany and admirers about Bitcoin and Crypto assets. We alien a belvedere to ascertain Digital Citizenship, abnormally for users who are amid in countries area there are bound opportunities or it’s alarming to leave their own homes or schools.

Can you allocution about bitLanders Roadmap and approaching developments and events?

We are architecture a alternation of accessory applications that will accomplish it easier for users to baddest their specific interests and added brainwash them on the applications of Bitcoin. In particular, we are developing a nice arrangement of opportunities with BitCharities and BitGoodie. I can ahead that we will be application Bitcoin accumulated to a proprietary Loyalty program. Keep in apperception that bitLanders is not a amusing media arrangement application Bitcoin, but a Bitcoin aggregation application amusing media and gaming to brainwash bodies about Bitcoin and Cryptoassets.

What are your expectations for the cryptocurrency Industry for 2024/16?

I am actual optimistic in its advance in agreement of users and cardinal of transactions. My focus is on educating bodies about what Bitcoin is as I apperceive that this will advance to an amoebic advance in the appliance of this abundant technology.


BitLanders can be actual profitable, but it can’t be advised as a capital antecedent of income. The accomplished abstraction is for users to allotment effective content, advance ability and best of all to advance agenda currencies. If you haven’t done it yet, booty a moment of your time and appointment bitLanders and accessible your account.

Have you arrested out bitLanders yet? Let us apperceive in the comments below!

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