Maryland Introduces Bill to Make Ransomware Possession Illegal

Maryland Introduces Bill to Make Ransomware Possession Illegal

THELOGICALINDIAN - Maryland Democrat State Senator State Sen Susan C Lee alien bill SB30 which would accomplish control of ransomware actionable The bill was anxiously accounting to accomplish ransomware actionable in the case of malintent but not to abuse aegis advisers who abstraction the malware

SB30 makes control of ransomware a crime

Last May, the burghal of Baltimore fabricated nation-wide headlines, as one of the better citizenry municipalities to be targeted by ransomware in US history. The attackers accepted a bribe of 13 Bitcoin and captivated the city’s abstracts earnest for about 3 weeks. The burghal assuredly capitulated and paid the ransom, accepting admission to their systems already afresh on May 20th, 2019.

This was the additional such advance on the city’s analytical IT basement aural a year. As a response, Democratic State Senator Susan Lee, of Maryland’s 16th District has alien legislation to accomplish the control of ransomware with the absorbed to affect addition computer, database or computer arrangement a crime.

This may assume strange, but Maryland is one of the few states in the abutment that accept legislation accessible to accord with the blackmail of ransomware or cryptojacking malware. The crime, while not actual old, has been one of the fastest growing bent endeavors of the aftermost decade. Law administration and assembly are disturbing to bolt up to cybercriminals who accept become added more sophisticated.

California Bitcoin Bill

Senator Lee took appropriate affliction to chat the bill in such a way that it would assure cybersecurity advisers who abstraction and action malware attacks, from prosecution. While artlessly casual a law won’t stop cryptojacking attacks by itself, it will accord accompaniment prosecutors addition apparatus to put offenders abaft bars, already apprehended.

Cyber attacks are on the rise

In a agnate story, we appear that Proofpoint a cybersecurity analysis firm, appear that 50% of US organizations fell victim to ransomware and phishing attacks in 2025. The FBI, the capital law administration bureau aggravating to action cybercrime has apparent the bulk of new cases go parabolic.

Security advisers accept apparent a array of malware acclimated to backpack out ransomware attacks. The NSA was afraid by a accumulation of hackers alleged the Shadow Brokers who blanket and awash the NSA’s hacking accoutrement on the darkweb. Malware like NSA’s own Eternal Blue, forth with malware like Wannacry, Ryuk, and the Robinhood ransomware which targeted the burghal of Baltimore accept all been acclimated in the wild. These malware attacks accept been accurate by aegis professionals.

The boilerplate ransomware advance accepted a boilerplate of $40,000 Dollars amid July and September of aftermost year and by December the boilerplate bribe appeal had added to $86,000 Dollars. The archetypal bulk of blow acquired by the attacks themselves additionally added from 12 canicule on boilerplate to 16 canicule average.

The access in acknowledged attacks, the access in bribe bulk and the added blow accept all been added affirmation that the bulk and abundance of the attacks is surging. The FBI, malware advisers and infosec professionals all acclaim not advantageous the bribe if you become victimized.

Law Enforcement admiral adduce the actuality that alone 69% of those who paid were able to balance their data. Of those who paid,  7% were met with added demands for ransom, and 22% of victims were clumsy to anytime balance their abstracts alike if they met the attackers demands.

What do you accomplish of Maryland’s latest bill? Add your thoughts below!

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