MyCoinRealty: Sell houses for Bitcoin!

MyCoinRealty: Sell houses for Bitcoin!

THELOGICALINDIAN - For bodies attractive to advertise houses and for Bitcoins as able-bodied MyCoinRealty is apparently your best and alone advantage at attractive to advertise a abode for Bitcoin The action of putting up a abode for auction is both simple and free

1. If you’d like to advertise you home for Bitcoins aloof go to our acquaintance folio and accommodate your acquaintance information, a description of your property, and attach some photos of your home.

2. Remember this is sales so don’t be shy! Make abiding to acquaint us aggregate that’s so abundant about your property!

3. Next provides us with the amount you would like to acquaint your home for either in Bitcoins or in the bill of your country. We’ll booty affliction of the rest!

When a client contacts us in commendations to your acreage we will email you and put you in acquaintance with them. You can again action the transaction your cocky agenda wallet to agenda wallet or we can abetment you. It’s that simple!

Q&A Time!

What aggressive me to actualize MyCoinRealty was the acme of 3 things:

-Bitcoin. For those that accept to attending and see, they will ascertain that the way that businesses do transactions is changing. This is huge and cannot be understated. Just as the internet and brought about massive changes to the way we shop, as able-bodied as the way we transact business, crypto-currencies are creating the aforementioned massive, disruptive, and benign structural changes.

Bitcoin and crypto-currencies, in general, are creating immense bread-and-butter advance and opportunities. Just as did, which I was about for as a trader, this aeon of time should be apparent as no altered added than I absolutely accompaniment the opportunities presented today are of a abundant greater magnitude.

There will be winners and losers, aloof as in the era so exercise due diligence, and don’t get bent up in the hype. But don’t absence out on a abundant befalling to get in either. Essentially, the arena attic of what will become giants of the industry in years to come.

At about the aforementioned time as my ability of Bitcoin was growing I additionally was aloof about to body a new house, and I anticipation to myself I will accretion aberrant business acknowledgment if I action my home up for auction for Bitcoin. I accept at the time addition Canadian had offered his home up for auction for Bitcoin, and the penny, or should I say bread dropped, as I accomplished the chargeless announcement I could garner. So I began researching Bitcoin and crypto-currencies, and that was back I came beyond Mastercoin, and the ablaze came on.

Currently, MyCoinRealty is a aperture that allows homeowners to column their properties, and get Bitcoin in return! All bodies charge to do is accelerate us images as able-bodied as a description of the acreage they would like to advertise and they will be able to  post their acreage on our armpit chargeless of charge!

Later already we accept accustomed ourselves in the bazaar and are accumulation abundant business, as abstinent by views, again we will additionally action an escrow account for a reasonable fee, but at the moment aggregate is for free, and to column one’s acreage for auction will consistently be free.

Well accept it or not I created this armpit aback in January, but accept been too absorbed in added projects such as  GENERcoin and Arterran Renewables primarily and as the basic abridgement of greenhouse gas is awfully added important than transacting realty, MyCoinRealty has not accustomed the absorption it deserves.

That actuality said, my beach acreage has aloof been completed, and appropriately it is time to not alone activate business my acreage for auction for Bitcoin, but additionally to let the apple apperceive about MyCoinRealty.

Yes best definitely. Not alone has acreage awash for Bitcoin, but I would brainstorm there is not a affair larboard on Earth that one could not transact for Bitcoin. is a agnate portal, not alone announcement acreage for auction in Bitcoin, but additionally added aerial end goods.

If you acquaintance them they will accept a acceptable abstraction of aloof how abounding backdrop accept been awash for Bitcoin. As declared earlier, the way we transact business is changing. Realty will be not different.

With this commodity MyCOINrealty is clearly launched, and accessible for business! You are able to column your backdrop on our armpit chargeless of charge, all we ask is that you accommodate photos as able-bodied a description of the property.

Future affairs will be to about-face from absolutely announcement for free, to alms abounding escrow account in the actual abreast future, to transacting sales via the anchored abstracts capabilities provided by Mastercoin. Stay tuned!

Photo Source: MyCoinRealty

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