Is NSA Behind Bitcoin Price Drop and Global Cyber Attack?

Is NSA Behind Bitcoin Price Drop and Global Cyber Attack?

THELOGICALINDIAN - On Friday Bitcoin suffered one if its steepest declines in months accident over 10 of its bazaar amount afterwards three beeline weeks of massive assets The catechism is why The acknowledgment may lie aural The Deep State or added accurately the NSA

Yesterday, an ballsy cyber attack was waged in about 100 countries worldwide, an advance that may accept been the better of its kind. The ransomware advance encrypted files of all those who accustomed it, affecting an estimated 125k computers worldwide. The ransomware program, accepted as “WannaCry”, demands $300 USD in Bitcoin for the keys to break the computer’s files. The byproduct seems to accept been a devaluing of Bitcoin about the apple that exceeded 11%. The timing of the advance coincides with the bead in Bitcoin bazaar value.


The malware was fabricated accessible online on 14 April through a dump by a accumulation alleged Shadow Brokers, which claimed aftermost year to accept baseborn a accumulation of “cyber weapons” from the National Security Agency (NSA). The catechism that comes out of this is: Was this in actuality “stolen” from the NSA, or was it larboard accessible on purpose for approaching use for, and against, their interests? Was this a affairs bulb fabricated on purpose for approaching cyber war games?

Some accept posited that this all-around cyber advance was orchestrated by the NSA to asperse Bitcoin as a apparatus of the terrorists and to casting it in a abrogating ablaze worldwide. Is the NSA and The Deep State application cyber war amateur to advance Bitcoin in an end bold to accretion a political advantage adjoin it in a comedy for adjustment and ascendancy of the all-around decentralized banking network?

I wouldn’t put annihilation accomplished The Deep State. Yes, Bitcoin has a contempo history of cyber attacks application ransomware in a agnate fashion. However, this is believable because no cyber advance has anytime been orchestrated on this calibration by hackers attractive for Bitcoin before. Not alike close. Over the aftermost brace of years, 99% of the ransomware attacks accept been one-off acquisitive missions.

NSA seal

To advance over 70 countries with tens of bags of attacks, for hours on end, including the world’s better bread-and-butter admiral including the U.K. U.S, Germany, and Russia, you’d accept to accept an absurd database to assignment from, additional the allocation and computer admission apparently far above the boilerplate Bitcoin desperado.

If Bitcoin is activity up adjoin the centralized cyberbanking elite, the globalist regulators in anniversary nation, the advancing civic agenda currencies, congenital on the aback of its innovations, and The Deep State, it may alone be a amount of time afore Bitcoin is beaten or adapted to afterlife by the admiral that be. That is unless we appear calm as a association and assure Bitcoin from our own acquisitiveness and the achievability of an enactment takeover.

Were absolute hackers amenable for the cyber advance or was the NSA abaft it? Let us apperceive what you anticipate in the comments below.

Images address of Associated Press, Wikimedia, Shutterstock