Why Was The Official Apple Twitter’s Only Tweet Ever About Bitcoin?

Why Was The Official Apple Twitter’s Only Tweet Ever About Bitcoin?

THELOGICALINDIAN - Oddly abundant Apple is accepted for never application its official Twitter annual to bazaar its flagship iPhone or Mac computers However the one cheep the annual has anytime fabricated was anon about Bitcoin to its added than 46 actor followers

Comparing Apples To Oranges, And a Computer Firm To Crypto

Bitcoin was created by the bearding Satoshi Nakamoto sparking an absolute industry of competitors. Apple was founded by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Ronald Wayne, and like the cryptocurrency is the baton in its space.

Apple additionally sparked a sea of competitors and beating offs, abundant like what has happened with the emergence of altcoins.

Related Reading | Why Apple Won’t Reveal Crypto and Bitcoin Support at iPhone 12 Event

But Apple is a company, led by admiral and featuring aggregate from a abounding business arm to a analysis and development department. There’s connected abundance blame addition and acceptance of their articles forward. None of this exists for Bitcoin.

While both Apple and Bitcoin both accept an official Twitter account, Apple’s abnormally has never been acclimated to cheep to bazaar its products.

It was used, however, to bring publicity to Bitcoin. But it is not in the absolute way you ability expect.

Why Did The Tech Brand’s Official Account Tweet About Bitcoin?

The acumen Bitcoin was mentioned in the official Apple account’s alone tweet, was because it compromised by a hacker.

The hacker again acquaint a BTC address, forth with the frequently apparent cryptocurrency betray requesting a sum of crypto is beatific for bifold the bulk in return.

Celebrities are usually impersonated for such tactics, application added accounts advised to actor the brand of Elon Musk or President Trump. But in this case, the hacker was able to accretion ascendancy of not alone Apple’s official account, but accounts of accessible figures, musicians, and politicians.

Related Reading | The Most Common Bitcoin Scams And How To Avoid Them

Jeff Bezos, Joe Biden, Kim, and Kanye were amid those who had their accounts hacked.

A 17-year old Tampa boyhood was amenable for the attack, who was afresh bedfast by authorities. He’s now adverse a abounding slate of accuse including one calculation of organized fraud, 17 counts of communications fraud, one calculation of counterfeit use of claimed advice with over $100,000 or 30 or added victims, 10 counts of counterfeit use of claimed information, and one calculation of admission to computer or cyberbanking accessory after authority.

Although the doubtable is a teen, the cloister arrangement affairs on charging him as an developed if accustomed due to the abomination actuality budgetary related.

Over $120,000 in BTC was transferred to accounts controlled by the hacker. There are several agnate scams to watch out for. Be abiding to analysis out our account of the best accepted Bitcoin scams and how to abstain them.