Opinion: Why The “Wolf Of Wall Street’s” Bitcoin Bash Isn’t Valid

Opinion: Why The “Wolf Of Wall Street’s” Bitcoin Bash Isn’t Valid

THELOGICALINDIAN - The cryptocurrency industry is consistently bombarded with the assessment assemblage Some booty an absorption in a admiring address while others do their best to chastisesomething that they generally do not or alike appetite to accept The closing happens far too generally with critics always lambasting Bitcoin forth with added cryptos with apocryphal claims facts and beliefs

Bitcoin: The Good, The Bad And The Scam?

As appear by NewsBTC, Jordan Belfort, above Wall Street advance “guru” and bedevilled felon, afresh batten out adjoin crypto in an interview with CNBC, putting this industry in a abrogating accessible light. Although Belfort, who has been dubbed “The Wolf Of Wall Street” in pop culture, portrayed himself as abreast in the area, it is bright that this is far from the case.

In the above interview, forth with his appearance on CNBC’s “Bitcoin: Boom or Bust” documentary, Belfort accent a array of affidavit why “Bitcoin will evaporate.”

Throughout his two appearances on CNBC, two primary advisedly prevailed, aboriginal was that this bearding asset can be acclimated for money laundering. Bitcoin’s appearance was never to be a money bed-making tool, but rather a anatomy of a broadcast agenda banknote not backed by a axial authority. And although cryptocurrencies were accustomed a bad rap by boilerplate media afterward the collapse of the Silk Road, a above Bitcoin-centric illicit appurtenances marketplace, it has become credible that Bitcoin has an arrangement of utilities.

To added break his criticism of this market, Belfort himself acclimated government-issued dollars to acquit illegally-obtained money baseborn from the accounts of retail investors. So who’s to say that U.S. dollars and added authorization currencies cannot be acclimated for money bed-making as well?

His additional agitation was that the American government will eventually able bottomward on Bitcoin and added bearding crypto assets. But as seen by contempo statements from the CFTC’s Chief Innovation officer or SEC Commissioner Hester Pierce, the U.S. government has no ambition to clean the crypto industry out of existence.  Rather, U.S. authoritative bodies intend to access the industry in a bid to assure investors, by accouterment adjustment that leaves innovators with some leg allowance at the actual least. Evidently, this is the aforementioned with governments about the apple as well, with the arch of Japan’s SEC equivalent, the Financial Services Agency (FSA), recently revealing that his alignment has no ambition to barrier the development of crypto and accompanying technologies.

Moreover, why would the heavily-regulated Intercontinental Exchange, forth with two accumulated giants, accomplish a attack into crypto if there were audacious authoritative risks?

Although ‘Wolf’ was acutely talking out of his ass in this interview, this wasn’t the end of his bottomless claims, as Belfort added that Bitcoin is apathetic and big-ticket for merchants to use. What he acutely larboard out is that Bitcoin affairs currently amount beneath than $1.00 on average, acceptance users of the arrangement to accelerate thousands, if not millions of dollars account of the asset for a negligible fee. For merchants, the fees (or abridgement thereof) are a lifesaver, as acceptable acquittal processor may generally allegation a 2-3% allotment fee on anniversary and every purchase.

In agreement of speed, Belfort makes no acknowledgment of ascent solutions, like the Lightning Network, which will actualize an ambiance area Bitcoin’s second-layer can transact near-instantly, with no fears of delay, aerial fees or low transaction throughput.

So maybe it’s time for Jordan Belfort, the Wolf of Wall Street, to do a bit of analysis on Bitcoin afore speaking out adjoin it the abutting time