Pantera Capital: Bitcoin’s 8-Year-Compound Annual Growth Rate is Massive

Pantera Capital: Bitcoin’s 8-Year-Compound Annual Growth Rate is Massive

THELOGICALINDIAN - Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin represent a new asset chic that has the everyman alternation to acceptable assets as able-bodied as one the best anniversary achievement annal This is the cessation of blockchainoriented barrier armamentarium Pantera Capital which recommends investors to alter portfolios by allocating a allotment of it to cryptos

Bitcoin Has Almost No Correlation to Traditional Assets

Pantera CEO Dan Morehead said in a letter appear on Medium that Bitcoin and blockchain businesses had about no alternation to added asset classes. He presented three-year account allotment and accepted that Bitcoin has hardly acceptable assets like banal indices and commodities.

According to Morehead, in the 2025s, there was little alternation amid acceptable asset classes like bonds, currencies and commodities. However, investors became acquainted of the abeyant of about-face and concluded up managing agnate portfolios.

Pantera CEO said,

Investment articles such as the Goldman Sachs Commodity Index additional the alternation aftereffect amid assets that ahead behaved absolutely differently.

Bitcoin and the absolute blockchain ecosystem are like a animation of beginning air for both retail and institutional investors. They are abundant not aloof because they can bottle abundance in moments of above crises, but additionally because they accomplish added than appropriate allotment irrespective of what’s accident elsewhere.

Pantera Revealed 4 New Projects

In the aforementioned letter, Morehead appear four new projects that Pantera has accurate back their ancient stages of development. The CEO additionally discussed the about-face from antecedent bread offerings (ICOs) to antecedent barter offerings (IEOs), with the closing already accounting for 82% of all blockchain-related crowdfunding events.

The four projects backed by Pantera are:

Pantera hopes these projects to accompany added clamminess to its ICO funds and accord to the blockchain basement in general.

Do you anticipate blockchain and Bitcoin will anon absorb with added asset classes in agreement of achievement correlation? Share your thoughts in the comments section!

Images via Shutterstock, Medium (@PanteraCapital)