PiDrive Turns Raspberry Pi Into A Perfect Bitcoin Node Solution

PiDrive Turns Raspberry Pi Into A Perfect Bitcoin Node Solution

THELOGICALINDIAN - For those bodies who accept consistently been absorbed in active a Bitcoin Bulge on their Raspberry Pi Western Digital has taken apprehension of your comments and appear up with a band-aid Their new 314 GB adamantine drive is advised accurately for the Raspberry Pi and will be accepted beneath the name PiDrive With a actual low access bulk and the all-inclusive bulk of accumulator provided the PiDrive makes for an accomplished media and Bitcoin bulge band-aid

Also read: Bitcoin forecasts for 2016

The PiDrive In A Nutshell

Bitcoinist_PiDrive Raspberry Pi

There are affluence of affidavit why consumers and geeks accept taken a affection to the Raspberry Pi line of mini-pcs. Not alone are these accouterments solutions abundantly cheap, but they are additionally absolutely able for their size. Although no one will be arena AAA titles on any of these machines in the future, they can be acclimated for a advanced array of solutions.

However, there is one affair with the Raspberry Pi devices, and that is their abridgement of storage. Granted, users can use a array of storage solutions, alignment from micro SD cards to USB sticks and alike alien adamantine disks over USB. But Western Digital has appear up with an absorbing alternative, as they appear their WD PiDrive 314 GB, advised accurately for the Raspberry Pi.

Now that the Pi 3 has been appear a little while ago, these baby accessories are authoritative a lot of arena as abeyant home computer replacements for bodies not application their machines for abundant abroad than blockage email and browsing the internet. Other users adopt a Raspberry Pi as a media centermost device, as it packs abundant bite to comedy aback 4K video.

The addition of the PiDrive is affectionate of interesting, as it opens up the aperture for added Raspberry Pi accumulator solutions. Carrying a music library with you, or some video footage, are aloof some of the possibilities. Keeping in apperception how the PiDrive is alone 7mm in height, this is one of the thinnest adamantine drive band-aid accessible on the bazaar today.

Users who are attractive to boggle about with altered operating systems on their PiDrive can bound about-face amid offerings through the BerryBoot bootloader. What is alike added important is the amount point of this PiDrive, which currently sits at aloof aloft US$31 – although approved retail prices can go up to US$45.81.

An Interesting Solution For Bitcoin Nodes

Bitcoinist_PiDrive Raspberry Pi Bitcoin Node

Bitcoin enthusiasts who accept been advertent whether or not to run a Bitcoin Node on their Raspberry Pi will booty an absorption in the PiDrive. With its ample accumulator capacity, it is rather accessible to abundance an absolute blockchain on this disk, and still accept allowance to spare. Plus, a adamantine drive is congenital to action abstracts consistently, admitting USB sticks and micro SD cards will abrasion off a lot faster.

When affairs a PiDrive, it becomes a lot easier to run a abounding Bitcoin Bulge on the Raspberry Pi, and users will not accept to anguish about blockchain accumulator anytime soon. Even if the block admeasurement increases to 2MB, there is affluence of allowance on the PiDrive for abounding years to come. All in all, this is a actual bargain band-aid to set up a Bitcoin bulge at home, and abundant cheaper than some of the added plug-and-play solutions.

What are your thoughts on the PiDrive? Is it a artefact that is of absorption to you? Let us apperceive in the comments below!

Source: Ars Technica

Images address of Raspberry Pi Foundation, Western Digital, Shutterstock