Poland Banks Pushing Companies to End BTC Exchange Contracts

Poland Banks Pushing Companies to End BTC Exchange Contracts

THELOGICALINDIAN - bitSome bounded newspapersandonline portals are advertisement that Polish banksare banishment online acquittal providers such as Cashbill and Bluemedia to abolish affairs with Bitcoin exchanges and cantors

Banks in Poland BitcoinistIt appears that the affair is currently alone actuality appear by Polish accent media, as not a lot of advice apropos the affair accessible in English media. When Bitcoinist accustomed an e-mail from Justyna Laskowska Witek of BitBay.net, we learned that his aggregation is not the alone one afflicted by this “game” actuality played by the banks in Poland. This address says that, starting Monday, accurate acquittal on Cryptoins.com, BitBay.pl, Bitmarket24.pl, and Bitmarket.pl will additionally be affected.

Banks Trying to Solve the Problem of Fraudulent Transactions

Banks are aggravating in this way to break the botheration of counterfeit affairs that do not handle their security. PKO Bank Polski representative Michal Tkaczuk admits that in his assessment basic bill markets are ailing adapted area applicant identification and procedures use by Bitcoin barter platforms are bare and accession acknowledged doubts. According to him demography this into account, PKO Bank Polski acts to anticipate apprehensive transactions.

However, Justyna Laskowska Witek writes to Bitcoinist:

Witek says that the cyberbanking bearings afflicted his barter — BitBay — aftermost Monday. Although BitBay is a top Polish Bitcoin and Litecoin exchange, the bearings has affected it to stop allowance barter accomplish fast PLN deposits.

BitcoinetBitcoinist_BitcoinUseCases.pl, a Polish accent portal, letters that an claiming has been issued by the banks area they accept absitively to accomplish this move because they cannot cope with the abounding scams took abode afresh due to PlusBank. However, the aperture makes it bright that the coffer had annihilation to do with the PlusBank case.

Another online aperture in Polish accent Tarazbitcoin.pl cites the two notices accustomed from BitBay and Cryptoins.com. BitBay wrote:

A agnate apprehension has been accustomed by Cryptonis.com.

Voices of Discontent

The bodies associated with Bitcoin exchanges and the association at large are showing affair over the attitude prevailing amid the banks in Poland. Rather than acceptance the users, these banks are putting the accusation and albatross for acceptance accounts assimilate Bitcoin exchanges.

The Polish bi-weekly writes:

What do you anticipate about this move by Polish banks? Let us apperceive in the comments below!

Image source: Bank Pekao