Providence: Exclusive Interview

Providence: Exclusive Interview

THELOGICALINDIAN - Touting several casework which are listed beneath and an bend that alone helps Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies in accepted Providence may be a one stop boutique that you were attractive for The pictures beneath are some of the projects Providence is alive on and will alone account Providence and the end user

1.       What is Providence Solutions?

Providence is a abutting bearing banking casework provider.

2.       What casework do you offer?

Providence offers assorted products. Currently we accept a bill exchange, banal exchange, p2p credit, and p2p allowance belvedere built. Were planning on developing a acceptability agent over the advancing months. The accepted barrage dates for our platforms can be apparent on our site:


3.       Instead of convalescent on added services, you absitively to alpha your own. Why?

A admired adage of mine, is “build the bigger abrasion trap”. We got rid of the abrasion trap, and created a abiding solution. Utilizing Ripple Trade, our articles acquiesce users to use our casework with any currency. We alike acquire the adeptness to acquire authorization currencies congenital in.

For example, “John” could acquirement shares in aggregation “x” with Litecoin, and aggregation “x” would accept advantage in their adopted currency, say Bitcoin. In addition, we are the best complete provider on the market. We additionally alloyed amusing media with finance. You can now chase your admired investors, and chase their trades on the market. You can allure your facebook friends, or linkedin connections, babble with added traders and abundant more. Our articles are the best complete banking accoutrement the apple has anytime seen.

4.       How did Providence appear about?

Providence came through the collaborative efforts of myself and Jared Mimms. Jared started developing Providence’s platforms able-bodied over a year ago, beneath the name PeerCover. Jared and I met over 4 months ago, and accomplished that we assignment able-bodied together. Thats how Providence came to be.


5.       How do you feel Providence will appulse the cryptocurrency world?

Providence offers banking articles that were contrarily not accessible to the crypto-currency industry. Since we are able to cantankerous barter any bill through Ripple Trade, all crypto-currencies will account from us, not aloof Bitcoin.

It additionally abundantly increases the clamminess of our markets. Our allowance belvedere offers a account exceptional of, alike in the authorization world. Providence’s apartment of platforms accredit every man, woman, and adolescent to acquire a acquiescent income. Providence will not alone appulse the crypto-currency industry, but will change the apple of banking services.

6.       How did you get into Bitcoin?

I aboriginal apparent Bitcoin in 2024, anon afterwards audition about it I apprehend aggregate I could acquisition on it, and purchased a few. Its been amazing watching the industry get to area it is today.

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7.       How is Providence in its accepted stages?

Currently were advancing our articles for v1.0 launches, we completed Beta bazaar tests aftermost year. Were additionally in the action of adopting funds from angel investors in adjustment to appoint added developers and acquirement committed hosting hardware.

8.       What can we apprehend in the future?