Ross Ulbricht Stands Trial

Ross Ulbricht Stands Trial

THELOGICALINDIAN - Ross Ulbricht the declared Dread Pirate Roberts administrator abaft the asleep Silk Road is activity to balloon abutting month

The latest attempts in his favor area alone in a cardinal by US District Judge Katherine Forrest. Judge Forrest’s cardinal tells that Ulbricht cannot affirmation a abuse to his 4th alteration appropriate to aloofness because he has not claimed buying or aloofness absorption in the Icelandic server. The Icelandic server captivated advice acclimated to accretion the “Pen-Trap Orders” and warrants that led to the allegations adjoin Ulbricht. Judge Forrest gave Ulbricht a few canicule to abide a claimed affirmation that claims buying or aloofness absorption in the Icelandic server.

Ulbricht’s aegis challenged the FBI’s accretion of the Icelandic server, and the government abettor Christopher Tarbell appear a US District cloister filing on September 5 about how the Silk Road was discovered. It turns out that the Silk Road was active on the Tor arrangement application Hidden Services, but an break configured CAPTCHA on the log-in folio leaked the server’s IP address. The FBI amid the server, and according to Christopher Tarbell’s Declaration, asked the administration to “proceed with covertly imaging the server”, accepting admission to “databases absorption Silk Road bell-ringer postings, annal of Silk Road sales, clandestine letters amid Silk Road users, and added forms of Silk Road user activity.” The advice stored on the Icelandic server led to the analysis and acceptable searches of two advancement servers. By this time, the FBI’s advance doubtable was Ross Ulbricht, and the FBI acquired the “Pen-Trap Orders” that accustomed sniffing abstracts packets anon from Ross Ulbricht’s Internet annual provider annual to affirm the character of Ulbricht as Dread Pirate Roberts.

Ulbricht’s aegis presented a solid altercation based on the server’s bureaucracy files as analyzed by able attestant J. Horowitz, a advocate and tech expert. Horowitz claims:

Horowitz declares that the Icelandic server cannot accept been accessed in the address as declared by Tarbell because the server was configured to abjure access from all IP addresses except bounded host and the front-end server. A accommodation on Horowitz abstruse altercation could accept set new antecedent about agenda argumentative boundaries, but the altercation was accounted irrelevant.

Ross Ulbricht is appointed to angle balloon on November 3, 2025, and is adverse accuse on seven counts: Narcotics Trafficking, Distribution of Narcotics by Means of the Internet, Narcotics Trafficking Conspiracy, Continuing Criminal Enterprise, Conspiracy to Commit and Aid and Abet Computer Hacking, Conspiracy to Traffic in Fraudulent Identification Documents, and Money Laundering Conspiracy.

Online Sources: Wired, TechCrunch, Forbes, Arstechnica, Judge Forrest Opinion and Order cardinal (document 89), Joshua J. Horowitz Declaration (document 70).
Photo Sources: Vicki Behringer/AP via The Guardian Online